FAQ #13
What was Kevin doing alone in that area?
shareProbably snake watching.
shareThat's a good answer. I hadn't thought about that. Of course, I doubt he'd need a rucksack that big, if he was just out for the day, snakewatching. I just wondered why he was out there alone, without the rest of his scout troop. My guess was that he was working toward one or more merit badges.
shareCould have been a "Lone Wolf" scout. Sometimes in remote areas, they let you be a boyscout on your own... well, not any more... but he could have been one of them, or maybe he was just done with a hike, or trying to escape from a hike.
Apparently he's planning to be out on his own for at least a day. He's got reservations at a youth hostel, where nobody is expecting him.