Lady Lylvia?

Is she a pedophile?


"Do you have children?" -- "Only when there are no men around."

That is an interesting question. I would think that would depend upon one's definition of pedophile. Even if the above is a sick joke, she has not shown herself adverse to having sex with children, as in the case of Kevin. But, unlike some pedophiles, she is also attracted to both men (Lord James) and women, if Mrs. Dorothy Trent, is anything to go by.



I agree with the definition of pedohilia, but I would also add the word "preferred," as in the "[preferred] sexual activity of an adult with a child." Which Lady Sylvia is not in the film, as she--apparently--prefers men to children, only having a child, when there are no men available.

"Not a sexual play thing."
While she may or may not be a pedophile, I do think there was a sexual element, even sadism, in what she did to Kevin, the Scout. If he was solely to be "a foodstuff for her god," she would have put something in his cuppa, and that would be it. But, she did come on to him, both verbally and physically, starting in the car, and concluding with her performing oral sex on him, and--maybe--even castrating him, when he was in the bath.

"Probably 14-15"
That is interesting. I have always thought, he was 15. Because, if he had been 16 or 17, as some people think, in a land, where the age of sexual consent is 16, such as in the U.K., if she had stopped at the blowjob, she most likely would not have been guilty of any criminal act. But, at 14 or 15, even if he had consented to fellatio, she most likely would have been guilty of committing a sex crime, because the law most likely states that someone under the age of sexual consent, is not old enough to give their consent to sex.



Though, she did get some--much or not--pleasure by sexually pleasing him, orally. As a sadist, which I take her character to be, she does not derive, for the most part, her pleasure, SEXUALLY. She derives her pleasure (sexual gratification) by causing pain, both physically, "the bite," and verbally. "My god, Kevin. You have such appalling b.o. And save your breath. You have halitosis, too."

"The Change"
What changed, was that she no longer had to restrain herself in front of Kevin. Now, that she had gotten what she wanted from him, she could show her true self to him. Before, he could have done something about it. And now, there is nothing he could do about it.

"The Murder"
While the other crime is not totally insignificant, at least here in the U.S., I do agree that murder is the more serious (significant)) crime. But, the difference between a 16- or 17-year-old and a 14- or 15-year-old, where the age of sexual consent is 16, is that, if she had not murdered or molested Kevin, but simplely had sex with him, when he had been 16 or 17, she most likely would not have been guilty of an indictable offense. But, by simplely having sex, excluding the murder and/or molestation, with a Kevin who is 14 or 15-years-old, she has almost automatifcally committed an indictable offense. That is the significance of that. 16 or 17, she has, most likely, committed NO crime. 14 or 15, she has, most likely, committed a crime.


Frankly, I thought Kevin looked to be at least 17.

I believe the trouble with the definition of Pedophilia comes from confusion between a legal, and a moral problem.

Legally, most countries have an absolute age limit, below which it is illegal to have sex with an individual, regardless of consent. In most countries, this age is either 18, or 16. According to this law, anyone who has sex with anyone below this age is a pedophile. In america, an 18 year old who has sex with a 17 year old is comitting a crime. In the UK, a 16 year old who has sex with a 15 year old is comitting a crime. In both countries, a couple where both partners are 15, in the eyes of the law, constitutes a pair of pedophiles. With the way high school is nowadays, it's a wonder that our children aren't all in jail on sex crime charges! Yet once these same people grow up a bit, very few of them would ever think of touching a minor, and fewer still would actually do so.

That aside, the pedophilia laws are designed in an attempt to prevent an older partner from abusing a position of mental superiority to take advantage of a younger, less experienced partner. The belief is that people under a certain age are not ready to make decision on their own, and Science has upheld this belief... In fact, science shows us that the parts of the brain involved in making a decision based on weighing future consequences is not fully developed until the mid to late twenties in most people.

Legally then, it can be a serious sex crime to have a wild high school fling with someone a year younger than you, but anyone of any age can have sex, and even marry any willing 18 year old.

Morally though, I suspect most of us have more tolerance for high schoolers that date girls in the grade below them than we do for rich 50 year old millionaires that marry a new 18 year old every year.



Well, it usually depends on what the parents do. Even here in America, in some states, it is legal to marry at 14 with parental consent.. OR at least it was in Utah until 95 or so. Probably there's some places down south where it's still like that. However, if a parent finds out that their child is having sex, and asks the police to arrest the other partner, the police will kindly inform the parent, that they will have to arrest BOTH partners for the same crime.

As I implied, the laws are a little screwy. Granted, I wouldn't want my kids screwing anyone of any age...


I believe the actor, Chris Pitt, was 17, when he played Kevin in the film. Usually, though, most actors play a teenage character that is two or three years younger than themselves. That is why the character's age is often given as being 14 or 15 in the film.

Still, it is unusual to find an actor under 18, in a film scene that involves nudity and/or sex.



If being a pedophile means being exclusively attracted to children, I don't think she was a pedophile neither, as she was also attracted to men, women, and girls for all we know. But, unlike most adults, she had no compunction about not having sex with children, if it served her purpose.

Actually, if we attach a sexual orientation to her, it'd probably be female bisexual with pedophilic, sadistic, vampiric tendencies, etc.

And I agree, she was incrediblely hot in that scene. And I don't think there is a teenage boy who could have resisted her. I know I couldn't have done so at the age of the character in the film.



I agree. Few males, of any age, could have resisted that, including--perhaps--myself. But the age is a significant factor, because if she knew that he was underaged, and of an age, where he could not legally consent to having sex, and she had sex with him anyway, thus knowingly breaking the law, that says alot about her character.
