Hissler the head coach

this guy makes the whole movie. it starts off with the pre game speech..."not by jumping offsides like a bunch of wimps and fa--ots..." "if you wanna be a loser you go over to russia. i'm not a loser, i'm a winner. i'm an american."

then when it's like 60-0 in the state finals he's yelling "let's go i want another score!"

then when he gets the president's office at piermont "no john don't worry you haven't hurt your chances. i love you too."

how f'ing funny is this guy?


Just heard the news that he died. Very sad. He was a great actor, and you're right, he was very funny in this. Good with the physical comedy, too. Like slamming the pizza in that delivery guy's face and punching the elephant.


Although I think this movie is one of the worst commercial abominations Hollywood has ever produced, I thought that Mr. Gleason was an excellent actor with perfect timing. His death was not so much a blow to the entertainment industry as it was a body slam.

RIP Paul Gleason. You left behind a body of work which would have been much poorer if not for the characters you brought to life. Rest easy.

"An Archer is known by his aim, not by his arrows."
-Li Chen-Sung (Richard Loo) The Outer Limits


You wanna get a mean on? Get a mean on son.


The coach is at the drive-in movie trying to convince him to go to Piermont University..

"And I think the best choice for you is Piermont......Johnny, you see that car over their(Ford Pinto)......That's my car. You can have that one day!"

Johnny, "Don't tease me coach"

I love this movie...


Man, still to this day I quote lines from him all the time. The drive-in scene with the Pinto was hilarious.


"Who wants to be John Wayne?, who wants to get a mean on? Get a mean on son?"


Not meaning to walk on his grave, but he wasn't that great a man. Off camera he was very rude and a bit obnoxious, also he goes too far at times.

Perfect example is the Pizza in the delivery guys face. He really hit the guy hard (much harder than was called for)and actually hurt the actor playing the Delivery guy.

My Mother was in that scene and I got this from her.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Not meaning to walk on his grave, but he wasn't that great a man. Off camera he was very rude and a bit obnoxious, also he goes too far at times.

What do you mean off camera, he was that on camera too, that is what made him so funny.

This, Trading Places and Breakfast Club he is great.

The most memorable is the not jumping offsides said earlier and the "Does anyone in america actually like you to the IVY League recruiter".


I haven't seen it in a long time, but have seen it many times. I think that's when AMH is on the phone with Howard Cosell. He said to Howard "Does anyone in America even like you?, huh?"

This movie is almost 25 years old and I still use his lines. The "don't tease me" that AMH says to him was the best.


he's got anger issues.

Season's Greetings!


He is great! It is a total classic with him in the movie.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/



Yeah he played his roles very well...those tough old s.o.b"s.....
