Is the 88min version fully uncut?
Any help is appreciated.
Cult of Fontinau
Your wife died from cyanide in the scotch
Is the 88min version fully uncut?
Any help is appreciated.
Cult of Fontinau
Your wife died from cyanide in the scotch
It's my understanding that the 88 minute version is the most complete Region 1 release. However supposedly a "bandsaw lobotomy" scene exists which would be the one thing missing from that 88 minute Region 1 Wizard DVD release. The following IMDb link lists a few releases which claim to have this scene...
Between this missing scene and the cropped 1.33:1 aspect ratio I'd say you should pass on the region 1 Wizard release, if you were considering buying it.
But then again, to me the scene in question seems a bit more mythical than anything else. After reading many threads on this topic it doesn't sound like any one has actually ever seen it. If it does exist there's no doubt a bootleg floating around on ebay or a shady website as a torrent or burned DVD purchase. And from what I heard about the Wizard release a bootleg's quality wouldn't be much worse.
Henry, you're mistaken - the Wizard DVD is the uncut version, including the "bandsaw lobotomy".
Give a thousand monkeys a thousand laptops and they'd all be writing their stupid opinions on IMDB.
The Region 2 DVD covers have the infamous bandsaw labotomy pictured right on front. Just Google Intruder DVD and click on the Images tab. About a third of the way down the page you can't miss 'em.
I find that .50 caliber rounds have a delightful way of making one's problems die.