Help With Soundtrack

I am trying to compile the full soundtrack for the original movie, which involved watching the credits and creating a list of all the songs featured in the film. I've gotten all but 6 of the 28 songs and I am having very little luck finding them on iTunes, Limewire or anywhere else. I am listing the songs and artists below. If you have any of these songs, some help would really be appreciated, thank you.

* Life's Too Short by The Lafayettes
* Waddle Waddle by The Bracelettes
* Train to Nowhere by The Champs
* The Bird by The Two Dutones
* The Bug by Jerry Dallman and the Knightcaps
* Hide and Go Seek Part 1 by Bunker Hill


Town Without Pity by Gene Pitney.

"It looks like a flamingo threw up in here!"~Beaches


What is the name of the song when Tracy first goes to the hop??
I've been trying to find that song forever!


I'll rent the first version of "Hairspray" and tell you. The song titled "Hairspray" is in that Hairspray too." "Hey,Look over there.What are you doing? I'm spraying my hair.Mama told me not to use it now.Hairspray" I love that song.


A lot of them might be really hard to find. The one the old guy sings in the street during the makeout scene is "Nothing Takes the Place of You," by Toussaint McCall. I tried to buy one of his albums on Amazon, put it was mega-expensive. I ended up getting the soundtrack (used) pretty cheap there. If you want I can dig it out and see what's on it, but you might just want to see if you can get it from Amazon.
