MovieChat Forums > Hairspray (1988) Discussion > FILMED AT MY HIGH SCHOOL!!!


The high school scenes in this movie were filmed at my high school, Merganthaler Vocational Technical High School, 3500 Hillen Rd.

I was a Junior the year they did the filming. It's a big deal to have a movie made at your school when you are a kid!

Even though the school was full of kids who would have loved to be extras, extras were brought in to play the kids, some of us tried out, but i dont think any of the actual students made the final cut.


As one who knew a couple of the extras, I can say that they pulled from college age and older for the extras. I'd be willing to bet that using real high schoolers may have been a issue they did not want to get into.


Thats pretty crazy that Waters brought in extras, but then again, when you watch those scenes the kids are pretty hilarious, so I can see why he did it. I noticed the Hefty Hideaway store is at S Clinton St & Eastern Ave. Any other locations that you know of?


Alumni as well I graduated in 2005 I thought it was cool that a movie was filmed at my school even though it was YEARS before my time. Mervo still looked the same in 1988 as it does now minus those huge reinforcements they got on the building now.

Sophia: Jealousy is a very ugly thing, Dorothy! – And so are you, in anything backless.


Here's a great website. It has addresses for many of Waters' filming locations.

