Nadine Carver (Dawn Hill Jones)
I loved Nadine Carver's charecter, as played by Dawn Jones(Hill)! Her role was Central to the movie because it was about racial prejudice and breaking segregation! And although Tracy was the¨heroine¨ of the cause Dawn Hill played the charecter with spoken and un-spoken scences that conveyed the climate of the times authentically. I always wondered what happened to her as she had the talent and looks for a promising career. She was Halle Berry before Halle came around as she would have been included in the new wave of black actors and actresses coming to the fore in the mid 1980's. Well I found out she also did a small part in A Man Called Hawk T.V. series! She is recently appearing in various things and I'm looking out for her work and she has a webpage under Dawn Felice Jones. I hope she comes back.