I thought Travolta hid the "man behind the suit" far worse than Divine, but I agree about the fact that I don't see how anyone could say Travolta was better!
The thing I liked about Divine's performance was the fact that it was kind of like he was a man playing a woman, but someone forgot to let him in on the joke and/or he forgot he was a man so the naturalness of it is astonishing, particularly for a (admittedly tamer) Waters film. Of course any Waters fan knows Divine is a man, but it's almost like he forgot when they were filming and gave a perfect "hausfrau" performance beginning to end, imo, if that makes any sense.
Travolta, on the other hand, was just terrible. Not only did he sound like Dr. Evil a good third of the time, his singing was pathetic. It didn't sound like "oh, funny, man singing like a woman", to me it came across as "Wow! So Danny Zuko is gay?!? I kinda figured...", he just did NOTHING to hide the "Travoltaness" from his voice, and it was incredibly distracting. And I find it pathetic that he was the one getting all the awards attention/buzz (along with, to a lesser degree, Nikki Blonksy) when, frankly, they were the weakest links in the movie, while Pfeiffer and Kelley turned in 2 incredible performances and were basically ignored. I love listening to the soundtrack, but on more rewatches the flaws start to become more apparent and make me wish I could go back to seeing it for the first time.
It's a good thing your dead cuz in a few years your breasts woulda been saggin somethin terrible