Observations(spoile rs)
Best scenes: Jack & Enzo in the pool drunk
Jack with the dolphins, Enzo's death scene
Irritations: Despite other posts denigrating R. Arquettes performance, she came across as in love and yet our "hero" Jack really could care less about how he treated her. Really a self-centered SOB. I thought she should have ditched him.
Secondly, I thought that the character Jack seemed a little slow. My wife walked in 30 minutes into the movie and thought the main character was supposed to be a little retarded. It was the look on Jack's face that he couldn't really connect all the dots like most of us can. Maybe holding his breath all that time messed up his brain? That might explain the suicide at the end.
Many of these posts detail what a great movie, "sublime", "meaningful", and how deeply intellectual they think it is. Whats so great about a clueless, self-centered man destroying a loving caring relationship so he can go kill himself off in the sea???