I didn't get this movie and it was kind of odd :|
I know it's a little old but I just got around to seeing this for the first time. It was kind of strange.
In the beginning when Jacques lost his father I thought it was a strange event. I mean his father is underwater, says leak, and yells for Jacques to help him. On the boat Uncle Louis simply holds Jacques back from going into the water and already acts as if it's a lost cause. Like "there there, you're fathers dead for sure just calm down". Umm, why didn't you pull on the rope or do something...at the very least REACT like someone just died.
Johana makes up the rest of the movie's oddities. The love at first sight bit is fine, but it all played out so strangely. Jacques ends up in her room for the first time and breaks down in tears about his dolphin family. Umm...ok.
She's back in New York all in love and decides to drop everything to be with Jacques. Kind of a big change but ok. Right away they stay at Uncle Louis's place and you can just see the regret overcome her when she sits in Jacques's room. Like oh sh*t what have I done lol.
But they continue on. Jacques seems to be unable to communicate with humans yet she is completely in love with him. It was very odd when outa nowhere she starts thinking of babies.
Then when she needs to have a "real" talk with Jacques she jumps into the water. He jumps in after her and she goes on and on about wanting a life, family, a house, a dog, and how she might be pregnant. During all this Jacques is doing a dolphin impression and not paying giving a rat's a$$ about what she is saying. He goes underwater for a good long while because I guess the sound of emotions is painful to him, and she FREAKS OUT screaming his name. I was wtf.....is Jacques like slightly mentally retarded?
She ends up pregnant and Jacques doesn't really care. He needs to "see" what's below the ocean surface. Poor bastard keeps having visions so yeah he's gone off the deep end. He says peace out pregnant woman and dives down where he meets a dolphin that presumably takes him away and he dies.
Movie had some charm and good bits, but overall it was just weird.