Was there a small redubbing?

This contains a spoiler, so if you haven't seen the movie, you shouldn't read any further...

I just watched the "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" DVD last night, and I swear that there has been a small change in the dubbing towards the end. The scene in question is at the end, when Freddy is thanking Lawrence for letting him stay an extra week and they are looking out over the sea. In the movie I watched last night Freddy says something about how he suspected Janet was the Jackal because both of the names start with the same letter: "J - Jackal, J - Janet..."; but I have a clear memory of him saying something like "If she's the Jackal, what does that make me?" and then they even give a couple of possible animal titles for Freddy.

Can anybody tell me if there is any accuracy to what I am saying? Or is this just the product of an over-active imagination and a lonely childhood?




He means that they say the Janet/Jackal thing after we find out in a later scene. Yes, it would've completely ruin the twist and there's no reason why they would say that as the Jackal would've been the furthest thing in there mind.


But they know she's the jackal at that stage, and so do we - they've read the note signed "Janet, the Jackal". I've never heard that other dialogue, I think it would've been unnecessary.

"Face it girls; I'm older and I have more insurance."


I just watched the VHS and it has the standard "Janet/Jackal" comments by Freddy. I can't remember what Freddy said in the theatre version, but it's possible it was changed.

