Sometimes I like to review old movies given that I don’t always have money to make it to the theater. I’ve picked COCKTAIL today because this movie is a giant among movies (a giant, pathetic loser) and never ceases to amaze me with its inexhaustible supply of horrible lines, horrible acting, senseless gratuity, and wastage of celluloid. I’m not sure in which genre to place this movie so I’ll create one: Romantic bartending melodrama.
I think Tom Cruise is ok, and most of his movies are ok (ok means ok—not real good, or pretty cool, simply ok). After you watch this movie, you will wonder how he maintained a career after this and didn’t become the Tim Thomerson of straight-to-video Blockbuster dustbins. You might be asking, “who the hell is Tim Thomerson? That’s exactly the point. I’ll give Cruise credit, he’s got something going on.
As indicated the movie is about bartending and romance. Tom Cruise is a hotshot New York bartender who woos all the women, and men, with his ability to spin bottles and pour drinks at the same time while spouting monosyllabic nonsense, recite poetry, and flash all 32 Crest Whitening formula-treated teeth. First of all; who gives a *beep* about bartenders who spin bottles behind their back and through their legs in the process of mixing a gin and tonic. If I order a gin and tonic, just give me a gin and tonic as fast as possible. I’m there to drink and I need immediate alcoholic refreshment. Reminds me of a show I saw of a bunch of meatheads who actually compete in Las Vegas for “Best Bartender in the World”. They actually practice in their garages spinning bottles around with rubber bars and balancing Jack Daniel’s liter jugs on their heads. One time I was tripping on acid at a bar and bottles started spinning all over the place, been there done that, don’t need it. Here’s a memorable line for you—guy walks into the bar and sees Tom Cruise and his buddy’s bottle spinning brilliance and says, “You’re the hottest bartender in town, you need to work for me”. And so he does.
While there he gives his unforgivable performance of “The Last Bartender Poet”. This qualifies as one of the most comedic and reviling episodes in Hollywood history and makes me embarrassed to be an American and someone who speaks the English language. I can’t remember the whole thing but it goes something like this at the end: “I got your Alabama Slammers, I got your Tijuana Mamas I got your Caribbean Windjammers, I got your Hangover Mananas Yes, I’m the last bartender poet, and you better know it”. Something like that. He gives this performance in the middle of loud music and dancing at a New York bar. Everyone hushes and gives their ear to this. After he’s through everybody whistles and claps and he bows, at that point I started laughing and guffawing.
First of all, who would think that that was cool?? Second of all, how much idol-praise does Hollywood think that common moviegoers and common people will give. I can just see the director while making the movie, “Its Tom Cruise, they’ll eat this up.” Wrong buddy, I thought it sucked and it makes me think that the people who made this movie, wrote this movie, produced this movie, and the people who even made coffee for the aforementioned are a bunch of fricking losers and should be unemployed right now. They should live in misery and be forced to watch this scene every day of their lives as compensation.
Normally I am a lot more longwinded about films this awful, but I just want to move on from this experience and never look back again, so I’m gonna wrap it up. Don’t ever watch this movie! Unless you and a bunch of drunk friends have a rainy day and absolutely nothing to do. It will make you laugh but after its over you find you can discuss it for days. Tempers will flare, conspiracy theories will be formed, and you will walk away in a state of bewilderment at the negative power of this movie. I’m not gonna give away the end of the movie not because it will be a spoiler, just because its a waste of my time.
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
Hey, Charles - go easy on yourself. I thought this was a really fantastic movie - when I was 10. I've since grown to realise (thankfully) that Tommy boy Cruise is moulded and set in plastic. He does not move his sickeningly smiling face in any movie. The only movie i'll give him partial credit for is Interview With The Vampire. Lord only knows how he received an Oscar nomination for Magnolia. Maybe he sacrificed some of his cut for a mention? Maybe after doing that and donating a hefty amount to Scientology he had bugger all left. Actually, can we forget about Tom Cruise altogether? Heck knows I see straight through him when I get in Mission Impossible moods...
they should lock you up and throw away the key. Its "Cocktail" who cares what people think about it? Jesus Christ you react like someone is beating your retarded kids with a rake. GET A LIFE, YOU PIG.
I wonder if I am the only one who detects a hint of irony in your response. This sort of magical stupidity is just what I would expect of someone who enjoys Cocktail. What a silly response.
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
Any movie that would let me roll around with Elizabeth Shue under a waterfall in a tropical paradise can't be all bad. That is hopefully what Tom Cruise was thinking when he agreed to take the part. Plus, the check that cashed was probably more money than any of us "critics" will earn in 3 lifetimes. 'Nuff said!
Lighten up man, this was supposed to be a relaxed type of movie. So one needs to watch it in that mindset. When you go to a bar, you just want a drink as fast as possible? Why bother with the bar at all then hm? Why not just make them at home as you sit at your comptuer writing ESSAY length reports on movies. (You said that was a small post?) What the heck, for that matter since you seem to want the drink in your system as soon and efficiently as possible, why dont you just get an injection of some sort. I am sure you get tagged as being the prude, but I am going to go ahead and agree with your friends and family ( and your doctor) here Charles boy, you need to get out more. People go to bars for atmosphere, music, dancing, meeting people, good times, to party. These are the main components of this movie. Basically in short, if you go in with such HUGE expectations of this movie you will be dissapointed, in the end though I enjoyed it, I wasnt expecting much when I saw it the first time but it had good music, and such. So Charles, take those prozaks your Doc prescribed and get back to me when you are in a better mood.
Dear Fan, I do not know if you are meaning to make yourself out to be a drooling, short attention span invalid by implying that one page is a long review of a film. If that was your intent, then it got across. Most films get much longer treatment, but being as there was nothing much of note to say about this one, it was truncated.
I do not drink, but even if I did, your attempted analogy is nothing short of inane. Can I get a marijuana metaphor that makes no sense instead?
I have no problem with films that aim low and did not watch this movie with "HUGE expectations". It is simply a poorly calculated mindless film that fails to even be moronically charming. Roadhouse is a terrible film, but is infinitely more charming in it's stupidity.
Finally, this childish practice of attempting to display some sort of free and easy, "Hey relax, nerdboy, you are just angry because you can't let loose" jockularity pathos is simply pathetic. Your attempted insults are uneven and destroy any attempt there may be in your post to actually make a tangible point. "Yeah, well, I know this movie is pretty lame in the grand scheme of things, but i actually find it watchable for some reason," is the sort of response I was expecting from fans of this film, and at least falls in the reasonable category.
What exactly is clever about "I am sure you get tagged as being the prude, but I am going to go ahead and agree with your friends and family ( and your doctor) here Charles boy, you need to get out more,"? I thought that insulting people based on nothing (Your momma is fat!..... You are a homo!..... I bet you have never been laid!) went out with Spuds Mckenzie. As you can see, I stick to what I know of you, one paragraph, to make you look like an ass(and I thank you for being so easy to work with in that regard). You now have several posts with which to piece together actual words of mine, tangible evidence with which to try again if you wish, rather than devolving to your elementary school stupidity. Good luck to you.
"I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."-Bill Hicks
Seems I have hit a nerve with you, and from your last post your words have further proven my points. The reason I credited your first post with an "Essay length of proportions" was due to the average size of posts by users in comparison. Anyways it is still very evident you need to relax more. Dont get all fussy when someone tells you that now Charles, it is a good thing. Trust me, if making these quirky little posts on the net is what relaxes you or tickles your fancy in someway then so be it, you have found your life long calling, enjoy the rest of your hollowed out years my friend. Best of luck to you!
Dearest Fan, That was slightly better, but it still lacks any contextual source. You attempt to place me in the stereotypical role of the angry hypersensitive overly wordy internet dweeb while failing to acknowledge your own stereotypical role, that of the faux anti-dweeb psychoanalytic cool guy who just happened by and noticed what a pathetic loser I am and in spite of your clear superior nature, you decided to put me in my place.
The common link to each stereotype is that they are roles your mind has assigned in this conversation, and mine has not. I continue to focus on what is directly in front of me, and you continue to fall short of showing any interest in speaking on a post teen level. Your analysis is lacking because you use no source material, only fourth grade supposition. I simply posted a review of a poor film. You being the magical sort of moron who not only likes the film(a pardonable sin), but also gets angry at the idea of someone pointing out how blatantly moronic the film is(an unpardonable sin) conclude that the person must be a stuffy nerd. It is ridiculous.
I am still waiting for you to raise your bar at least to mediocrity.
"Trust me, if making these quirky little posts on the net is what relaxes you or tickles your fancy in someway then so be it, you have found your life long calling"
IMDB is about discussing films, reviewing films, and so forth. I posted a review. Your two contributions so far have been generic attempts at posturing and establishing some sort of mythical cool factor that is irrelevant and unprovable. I find your projection rather fascinating.
"I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."-Bill Hicks
Cocktail is just a movie.Don't take it too seriously.It captured the 80's mood and despite of being voted as the Razzie's Worst Picture for 1988,it is still fun to watch.
I liked him in "Interview.." but also "The Firm" I really liked that movie. I also thought "Magnolia" was good too. And believe me, I am no Tom Cruise fan, but I like good movies no matter who is in them.
I have yet to find a decent reviewer or critic on the IMDB.
Any time I want to see a good movie, I come on IMDB and look through the bad reviews and those are the movies that I watch because they are so much better than the movies given good reviews by the so-called critics on this site.
You obviously don't know a thing about reviewing movies but at least you gave it a try and if you keep working on your writing skills, you may be able to write a decent review one day. Next time try to review the movie objectively instead of filling your review with your personal opinions about the film, so what if you didn't like the film that doesn't mean that it isn't a good film. Even the big shot movie critics give good reviews to movies that they don't like if the film is good because they are reviewing a film not expressing their opinions on the film.
I didn't really like Cocktail that much, it was okay but the film was still good, the story was good the relationships between the characters were genuine and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes a good Hollywood make you feel good film.
You are welcome to not like my style, my review, my face. However, there is no such thing as an objective review from a human being. Everyone has a reaction to a film, and while there are numerous films I respond to negatively yet can see that there is alot of good going on in them, Cocktail is not even sort of one of those films. If I think it is a bad film, I am going to say it in my analysis of the film, any review that does not focus on what the reviewer thinks worked and did not work is not a review at all. Any reviewer who provides you with the sterile analysis and detached vantage point you are asking for has become a film quality graph. People try to pull this sort of stupidity off all of the time, and I suppose there is an audience of drones out there who just want someone to break down a film by saying, "The camerawork is an 8, the dialogue is a 6, the plot is a 6, the acting is a 7, the movie overall is a 6.75". Go find a Leonard Maltin movie guide book, or something. I am pretty comfortable with the idea that my reviews are not for you. I am also comfortable with the idea that the only redeeming virtues of Cocktail are the cracks a viewer can make at what a pathetic, shallow, mindless, artless piece of rubbish it is.
Insert (mindless response about your response sucking) here.
"Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so?" - William Blake
Gee Charles, I can't imagine WHY IMDB would not accept your 'review' of Cocktail - or any other movie for that matter. Might want to check that anger thing. Human beings can aspire to objectivity - putting personal feelings aside to give intelligent discourse on a film. You are just so hostile, and long-winded. Why should anyone listen to you?
Thanks. But you don't drink? How do you explain this quote from your review then? "First of all; who gives a *beep* about bartenders who spin bottles behind their back and through their legs in the process of mixing a gin and tonic. If I order a gin and tonic, just give me a gin and tonic as fast as possible. I’m there to drink and I need immediate alcoholic refreshment."
If you don't drink then what makes you qualified to make a statement about how you want your drink served immediately?
I got a laugh out of it, and still am at the expense of humorless and mindless Cocktail fans. I like alot of awful movies, but I can at least admit that they are awful. This bunch treats the film like Citizen Kane. More fun for me!
"Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so?" - William Blake
I'm glad that you're having fun but I'm yet to see anyone in this thread compare Cocktail to a movie on the level of Citizen Kane (which it never should be). Rather, pretty much every post disagreed with your review of the movie which I think was unfair as well. No one has said that it is an award level movie, but rather that it is something to just mindlessly watch and have a good time with. That does not necessarily make it a bad movie. Perhaps people are offended by your review because it could cause people who have not seen the movie to avoid it in the future, which they should not do.
Well then, allow me to backtrack. Watch this movie! Every second of it is such a calculated Hollywood manipulation of viewers that you will have alot of laughs. Sort of like every one of Spielberg's films.
"Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so?" - William Blake
This film is my new favorite movie. I can relate it to my own life in so many ways despite the fact I am only 17. Firstly, I have been named "Jordan", whilst Elizabeth Shue's character is also an alleged "Jordan". I enjoy art, and it appears this "Jordan" person does too. I grew up in a rough predominantly Czech neighborhood in Maryland, and I worked in a bar during middle school in order to pay the medical bills for the reconstruction of my jaw after a quarrel with my viola teacher. Yes, I realize my employment at this establishment was against the law, but please don't say anything or my Uncle Louis will have to go back to Russia. I learned to spin bottles and such during my employment, and it appeared no one really cared. After recently viewing this movie, I feel better about myself as a whole. Perhaps my services of distributing alcohol were of importance after all. I am aspiring to go to college and later open a bar named "Cocktails and Jordan". I would encourage anyone to watch this movie because it's a light-hearted film, and if you are having a bad day it will make you feel better because at least you didn't get a stranger in Jamaica pregnant.
See Chuck, here's the thing. You're not fun. Jordan, of the post above, now SHE's fun. Don't worry Jordan baby, I care. I love violas but I'm with you with the teacher. And you needn't fret about Uncle Louis, he'll be fine. After all, I've never been to Jamaica.
'For the right price I can give everything up. Slip into the car, go drivin' to the farthest star.'
Just because you like, or dont like, a movie doesn't mean you are wrong or deserve to be labelled as a retard or suffer any abuse.... enough said on this matter.
I havnt seen cocktail yet but im going to have to for my Tom Cruise Auteur project so i look forward to seeing which one of the two opinions are more valid. I'm guessing that like all films it will have its good points and its bad points but needless to say I will be more focused on drawing an opinion that is focused on my thoughts about the film instead of my thoughts about people who love it or hate it.
No offence to you but can you at least acknowlege the fact they are trying to say your review sucks swamp water through a dirty straw! come on the fact that you hated it didn't need to be a paragraph over and over. my advise is next time you want to do a review first you type it up on microsoft word and edit it yourself or have your mom do it then print it out so you can retype it again! This movie didn't suck. so be a gentleman and shut your piehole for crying out loud! it's not our fault that you hated it. Oh tom cruise is hot for your info! So be cool and don't be a fool. i think i'll agree with imdb of not using the review! so cool your jets mister!
I am glad to see the drooling has not inhibited your ability to string together random stupidity in the guise of humor. Any one childish enough to not understand that the review is not an indictment of people who enjoy this film deserves my ire. Not even the mother of the director of Cocktail would find it above being made fun of. Liking a film and still acknowledging that it is in the end, cinematic sewage, is a virtue all of you kids in the Tom Cruise fan club should learn. Calm down, over there, Sparky.
"Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so?" - William Blake
Dearest Charles, The reason I have decided to reply to your reviews(ha), is not so much to do with your view of the film (everyone is entitled to their own opinion), but it is to do with the childish way you have chosen to state the views. First of all let me say that yes I do like Cocktail, I do however rcognise the 80's cheese of it all. That being said it is obvious that you have little or no idea about film, I mean lets face it you've already stated you don't drink so it's obvious that you're some sort of loser anyway. Your arguements about the film have no foundations whatso ever, it is just sentence after sentence of pointles drivell. Accept that other people won't and don't always agree you and maybe you'll being to grow up. In the mean time get out more, (and with that I mean more than once a week to go to your dungeons and dragons meetings). Try moving out of home, living with your mum is just not good.
In closing I would just like to say one thing, YOU ARE ONE F***IN PATHETIC LOSER GET A LIFE!!
Alright. Now, is there an English language translation of what you just said?
You know, when I stated months ago that only stupid people, such as yourself, would respond angrily to my review, I was kidding. However, the prophesy is bearing itself out. Not to say that only stupid people like Cocktail. No, not at all. Rather, only stupid people get upset about a film like Cocktail being put in it's proper perspective. It never ceases to amaze me how excited you brainless kids get when you see the opportunity to recycle your trademark "You are a f*&^*n loser! Get out more often! Stop living with your mom! Get a life!" phrases. In that vain, I think I have done some good here, giving you an outlet to vent your mindless anger. Of course, you are too stupid to understand that, but I don't need your recognition to have satisfaction. You are welcome. :)
"Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so?" - William Blake
Ok, you made this post a long time ago but i just came across it and kinda had some stuff to say.. as for the poem... its "I am the worlds last barman poet. I see america drinkin the fabulous cocktails i make, americas getting sticnking on something i stir or shake. the sex on the beach, the schnapps made from peach. the velvet hammer the alabama slammer. i make drinks with juice and froth, the pink squirrel, the three toed sloth. i make drinks so sweet and snazzy, the iced tea the kalimakaze. the orgasm, the death spasm. america your just devoted to every flavor ive got, but if you wanna get loaded, thwy dont you just order a shot." or something to that nature, so your little comments on the poem were completely off because u didnt even know what the poem was about. But anyway..... the point is, if IMDB would accept your review its probably because it was total bull.... so next time you want to be a movie critic and you get turned down, take the hint and shut up. people dont watch movies for their credibility, its entertainment, if you dont understand that then you have a bigger problem than not enjoying a movie.
"so your little comments on the poem were completely off because u didnt even know what the poem was about."
Hahahahahaha. That is the funniest comment of any of the morons to respond yet. I am glad that your inability to grasp context has not stopped you from trying to speak. Thanks for the laugh.
"Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so?" - William Blake
The reason for this is that having just logged on to read the latest chapter of your laughable saga, I find that not only have you found the time to reply to my message, but also to read and reply to someone elses opinion!. This leads me to conclude that not only are you a boring sad loser, but you also don't appear to have a job!!!!. What do you do?, sit at home all day on the computer waiting for the next chance to attempt to defend your weak and pathetic opinions. Come on live in the real world!! I'm sure you are going to reply to this as you seem to have nothing better to do, so in closing i'll say this. I noticed that the title of your original comment was "Since IMDB will not accept my review of this film here it is", do you think that the reason IMDB wouldn't accept your review was that it was total pointless crap!!?. I would suggest that this is quite possibley the case, may I sugest in this event that you should stop writing your reviews, and concentrate on your day job,(sorry I mean get a job). Cordial greetings! Jim.
P.S. If I am clased as a kid at 25 then you must be 90!!
P.P.S. You seem to take delight in calling people morons, LOOK IN THE MIRROR!
Well, I am glad to find out that responding to someone makes me a loser. If someone responding to you, and actually challenging you to form a few coherent thoughts into a verbal format is so upsetting to you perhaps you should refrain from posting. Somehow, I thought that exchanges were the purpose of message boards. Silly me.
I have said it on a few occasions in this thread, and I will say it again. You people are humorless. If my opinions are weak and pathetic, a person of educable standing would bother to make opposing points. Instead, the best you can come up with is, "SCREW YOU! If you don't like Cocktail you must be a big loser! Get out of the house!". If such childish silliness is what you deem to be the real world, you are welcome to live in that version of reality. I will hang out over here on the coherent, thoughtful plane of reality.
"I noticed that the title of your original comment was "Since IMDB will not accept my review of this film here it is", do you think that the reason IMDB wouldn't accept your review was that it was total pointless crap!!?. I would suggest that this is quite possibley the case, may I sugest in this event that you should stop writing your reviews, and concentrate on your day job,(sorry I mean get a job)."
Well, that could be a reason it was not accepted. On the other hand, a more logical reason(which may or may not be difficult for you to comprehend) might be the fact that the review exceeds the word count limit for IMDB. It may shock you to find out that the IMDB has no editorial policy regarding the exclusion of "total pointless crap".
Funny that you should mention my day job, or lack thereof(nice punchline there Mr. Leno). The review that you are so disgusted by was written for my job. It is really a pretty popular column these days. Cocktail was one of the first reviews I did, and while I imagine the length and content were not to your liking, I was actually given the green light to expand future reviews up to ten times the length of this one. Amazing, isn't it?
Odd that you hate my review and categorize it as total pointless crap, yet fail to see the irony. For that, I thank you. Without blissfully unaware people such as yourself, it would be hard for satirists like myself to accurately mime you. Physically you may well be 25, try catching up mentally.
"Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so?" - William Blake
"The review that you are so disgusted by was written for my job. It is really a pretty popular column these days."
And in what publication would one find your film reviews Charles? I would like to read what you had to say on other films as well. Since you continue to say that your review was supposed to be funny, which I think I can now say no one on this board agrees with, I want to read more of your self-proclaimed comic genius.
ahhh, the funniest comment of any of the morons to respond. wow, was that suposed to upset me? you are pathetic. You obviously havent realized that films are made for entertainment value only...... ENTERTAINMENT. and caling me a moron, thats real mature. my inability to grasp context... all you did was bitch about a movie that people enjoy, not for how realistic it is, because its fun to watch. it makes people laugh, smile, be sad, maybe even cry..... so bitch about it all you want but since NOBODY has agreed with your "review" as you call it you obviously are full of sh*t. So deal, embrace the pain, spank your inner moppet whatever, but move on and realize that everyone is intitled to their own opinion, but you dont have to knock everyone else's to make yourself feel better.
Me too I grew up with this film ( along with 3 amigos, pretty woman and Dirty Dancing).. Now being 2004 of course its really cheesy and lame, but during the 80s was a great film! I was full on in Love with Tom Cruise then..
"so bitch about it all you want but since NOBODY has agreed with your "review" as you call it you obviously are full of sh*t."
Geez. You know, that logic just looks a bit fuzzy. I hardly think that people who think Cocktail is a crap film frequent this board. Plenty of films that are incredibly popular are also widely regarded as bad films(Dirty Dancing, Behind Enemy Lines, Pearl Harbor). It is a pretty general rule of life that the majority is silent.
I apologize for upsetting you so, but it is pretty clear to me that most every person who has responded to my review is incredibly humorless. I have written reviews skewering films that i LIKE in a similar fashion. It is called a joke. You take moments in films and deconstruct them so that they appear absurd. Comedians do it with every day life all of the time. Obviously, you do not care for my comedy, but at the least, realize that it is comedy, and not me seriously ripping into your beloved film with my angry agenda. Did you get angry at Hot Shots for making fun of the Top Gun scenes you hold so sacred? Frankly, if a person who likes Cocktail can not read that review and see moments in the film ripped apart and exposed as silly moments in celluloid history(whether they like the scene or not), then they need help.
Calm down, it is just a film.
"Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so?" - William Blake
Maybe you should calm down. You've spent the past six months of your life arguing with faceless identities over an internet message board. I cannot even believe how pathetic that is. Maybe you should start drinking, at least you can waste your time and do something that doesn't make you seem socially inept. Anyways, I'm not going to waste anymore of my time in a stupid message board, so I'll end this now. Be my guest to take a few hours to come up with something really witty to say to attempt to make me look like an idiot, odds are I'll never be back to this board again anyways. And by the way, you're posts are not very persuasive at all, so you should go look up another quote on yahoo or something
I spent many years putting myself through med school behind a bar and after reading all of these posts I can not decide which profession has the best medicine for what I feel right now. Charles I am pretty sure that we did a study on you in psyc class many years ago so to you I say I'm sorry and please seek help. You might want to seek an anger management class as well. As for your opinion about this movie you are welcome to that. It is a free country and what not. I personally think that you are pompous and wrong but that is my opinion. As to the rest of you, why do you sink to this idiot's level? By encroaching on his perception of the false world he built himself you allow him absolution in his own mind. That just strikes me as being just as bad as his own bleek ramblings. Give it up folks, change posts and leave this swab to his own delusions. Charles one last thing. You never did tell these folks what column you wrote for. Also you may want to invest in a dictionary if you will continue to write for a living. Your vocab is one of the worst I have seen in many years and I have a grade school daughter.
Can tell all that from this thread, can you? Good on you. You have broken me down throughly with your diagnosis, Dr. Incoherent.
Now, if I can just find a way to translate these rambling leaps of logic into standard English, I may learn from all of this.
It has been oh so many months since I wandered onto the Cocktail message board, and yet new people are still lining up to repeat the same nonsensical observations that most of the sane world thinks are the exclusive domain of the jocks in the film "Revenge of the Nerds".
Non-sequitur, after non-sequitur, after fragmented sentence, after leap of logic, after randomly punctuated sentence. I did not even remember the entire content of the thread so I reread it to make sure your thoughts were as nonsensical as I thought, and found that they are even moreso than I thought.
There is hardly provocation for a single word you have said. Just say "Hey, I like Cocktail, you don't have to be so rude about not liking it," and move on.
Charles I am pretty sure that we did a study on you in psyc class many years ago so to you I say I'm sorry and please seek help......By encroaching on his perception of the false world he built himself you allow him absolution in his own mind. That just strikes me as being just as bad as his own bleek ramblings.
Well, given the clarity of this thought, and the great amount of detailed insight and explanation, I am sure that I will follow this advice.
Would it trouble you too much to provide at least one example, and explain how it applies here?
Is it possible for any person on the planet who actually likes Cocktail to also think that it is a bad movie that can easily be laughed at? Perhaps, Dr. Phil, you could find that old Psychology textbook from which you so clearly gained much knowledge of human nature, and find the term "projection".
It remains a mystery to me that the great majority of this film's fans have a difficult time with someone pointing out what a piece of trash it is. Of the films that I wrote about with this method, Cocktail is the ONLY film whose fans reject the possibility of laughing at it's sheer absurdity, and reduce themselves to jockular ad hominems, of which your post is prime example.
As for your opinion about this movie you are welcome to that. It is a free country and what not. I personally think that you are pompous and wrong but that is my opinion.
Thank you, esteemed Sir, or Ma'am, for allowing such small minds as my own, with my poor vocabulary and writing ability, to still exist and interact among elite minds such as your own.
Also you may want to invest in a dictionary if you will continue to write for a living. Your vocab is one of the worst I have seen in many years and I have a grade school daughter.
Did you construct these two sentences with the intention of winning some Special Olympics irony award? There is not the remotest hint of proper grammar, punctuation, sentence or paragraph structure in this entire ramble.
Pot, meet the kettle, it is black.
You never did tell these folks what column you wrote for.
Indeed I did not, and I do not intend to. No offense, but I can not say that I care very much for the idea of this group of people having access to my writing beyond the confines of this message board. Additionally, it is hardly essential to this posting.
If excluding such a detail somehow detracts from my credibility in your opinion, I will somehow manage to survive.
"All it takes to fly is to hurl yourself at the ground... and miss." - Douglas Adams
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A few home truths from the home of your language you are trying to use – ENGLAND!!
1. You are a sad lonely little man with NO friends except these people who you continue to argue with… 2. Don’t try to make out you are some HOT SHOT writer when you can’t actually afford to go to the cinema – You said this by the way. 3. Take a bloody chill pill – it’s Cocktail, and MR Cruise just don’t take it seriously.. By the way he's successful, rich and famous... 4. When did you see this – are you eleven years old or something. Anyone over the age of 25 just accepts this as part of the 80s
Your English skills seem as rusty as your logical deductions, friend. I will yet again, respond to another of these ironic posts from one of you easily riled Cocktail fans. As it is clear that you are only capable of reading in the most abstract of terms, I will respond piece by piece.
1. You are a sad lonely little man with NO friends except these people who you continue to argue with…
.... This is the point at which we both break down laughing at the irony of your post, a passionate display of disgust that has reduced you to blubbering out ad hominems and juvenile speculation. How am I to accept you as a credible individual when number one is immediately based on nothing other than anger?
The search for one single Cocktail fan(on the imdb at least) who does not recoil in anger upon seeing this silly film poked fun at continues.
2. Don’t try to make out you are some HOT SHOT writer when you can’t actually afford to go to the cinema – You said this by the way.
That is an interesting interpretation you have, however, it is simply not true. This is my quote: The review that you are so disgusted by was written for my job. It is really a pretty popular column these days. Cocktail was one of the first reviews I did, and while I imagine the length and content were not to your liking, I was actually given the green light to expand future reviews up to ten times the length of this one. Amazing, isn't it?
This was a response to being told that I have no job. I am not sure how you decide that my providing a serious response to such silly statements as that(and your #1) constitutes bragging. I did not say the reviews were on the front page of the New York Times. They are for a fairly small web community with probably around 5,000 regular readers. I am not of the belief that my job makes me a hot shot, and I never stated or implied that to be the case. I simply stated that I do have a job, and amazingly enough, this is it.
Also, you seem to have missed the part where I explained(though the entire point of the reviews is to NOT explain) that the reviews are written in character. I realize that this is very complicated, and difficult to digest all at once(especially given your adoration for Cocktail), but it is just a fact. I am not an alcoholic, in fact I do not drink alcohoal at all; and I am not too poor to go to the movies. In my Next of Kin review, I stated that I "had killed a man in Memphis". I suppose that if you read that review you would have to add a fifth point in order to call me a murderer.
3. Take a bloody chill pill – it’s Cocktail, and MR Cruise just don’t take it seriously.. By the way he's successful, rich and famous...
I am always very curious as to what people read from my posts on this thread that implies that I am angry. How is it that all of the exclamation marks and all upper case ranting of the responses of others manages to land in the "calm/reasonable" pile, yet when I bother to type out an emotionless, sarcastic response wondering why it is that this board in particular responds so angrily to having this film laughed at, I somehow land in the "jumping up and down and flinging feces across the walls" category?
4. When did you see this – are you eleven years old or something. Anyone over the age of 25 just accepts this as part of the 80s
The first time I saw it was shortly after it's VHS release(1989 perhaps?), and I am 29. I am not sure what your point is, or if you are making one. I accept Cocktail as part of the 80's as well(I am not sure if I have a choice, being as it was made and released in the 80's).
I accept Catalina Caper and Eegah! as part of the 60's, am I not allowed to write a review discussing how awful they are as well?
I wonder what the point is of explaining that you are from the land which gives it's name to the language we speak. Is it an attempt at irony? I would not call your violations of the language flagrant, but your writing is certainly erratic. In that short post alone there are at least 8 non sequiturs. You could also look into punctuation.
"All it takes to fly is to hurl yourself at the ground... and miss." - Douglas Adams
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------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi Charles
I have empathy for you on this board. I'm from England and find the variety of reponses so far;
1. a disgraceful display of the English language not worthy of reading 2. just too scary and angry!!
On the language point MR RICHARDTHELIONHEART - the language we both speak in the UK (and US with some minor alterations) originated over hundreds of years from France, Germany and a mix other other European languages anyway. Do you know the history of your country or are you too busy not reading and watching kids TV? :)
If anyone needs to chill -it's the COCKTAIL fanboys (and girls) who can't stop having wet dreams over Tom Cruise in the waterfall. I actually thought Cocktail, like many of Cruise's films, was a bit of light entertainment and an OK film. I also like Tom as an entertainer but he's not a challenging actor like De Niro, Pacino or Brando. SO DON"T TAKE COCKTAIL SERIOUSLY PEOPLE
After months and months of careful deliberation, I feel that my opinion MUST be heard on this matter!!
Although I fear I will be subjecting myself to the gamut of unintelligible contemptuous replies filled with poorly structured sentence fragments, as well as the general derision and scorn of the Charles-haters, I find myself agreeing with him. Cocktail is a poorly made movie, although one I can say I enjoyed when I was sixteen and my main priorities in life included cheap malt beverages and scantily clad women.
I don't know how many times I have found myself chuckling at the masses who insist on taking his opinion on their apparently life-altering, existentialistic interpretation of this lame-duck so seriously, but it gives me great pleasure!
I have read some of these arguments for and against Cocktail.The bottom line is it is obviously not a great movie. We all know this. But everytime this damn movie is on t.v. I watch it so that has to say at least something. I have seen so many more movies that are worse than this one, but the fact remains that when those are on the tube I change the channel. Give the movie some credit. It is not meant to be a masterpiece. In my opinion its main purpose to to entertain, and I feel it does just that. Decent movie, I like it.
Um, Charles, in case you didn't notice, you are WRITING your humor, not displaying it as comedians or spoof films do. I really think you are just copping out now with the whole "it was a joke" because your review didn't go over as well as you hoped. By the way, where is this column you referred to as your job? In what publication can we find your humor regularly displayed?
The review that Charles originally posted was a piece of journalism - and any good film reviewer knows it's better to be punchy than mediocre. I've just spent perhaps more time than I should have reading the two-way "rising to the bait" fest that followed... and it has left me feeling that I have to contribute to this phenomenon!
I like the memory of Cocktail and the "cult" moments that are its legacy. I also like ultimate frisbee, Jermyn Street tailors, computer programming and... a new one: reading obscure film forums.
Just admit it, you are not a writer. By the use of your language I wud have a guess at 17-19 years old.
I just wanted to get that out of the way. Now about the film, I thought it was exactly what it was meant to easy going film, that is entertaining, and in my opinion shows Tom Cruise's character's progression into adulthood.
P.s. While you are reading this do not even try to discredit my post by mocking my grammar/sentence structure as I have never claimed to be a master of English. I am merely a graduate of IS and Business, not English.
I am not sure that I need to discredit your post. Your own words do it well enough that I only need to point at them.
Having read your post on the King Arthur board, I feel it would be pretty silly of me to engage you in conversation(so, I will go ahead and be a little silly for a moment). You are clearly not a very well read individual. Based on your responses to having had your stupidity corrected, you are not only ignorant, but childishly belligerent.
They don't speak English in business schools over in England? What a silly piece of rationalizing.
It may amaze you to find out that there are millions of people out there who are degreed in subjects other than English, yet they manage to speak it properly, and also manage to apply sound, rational thought to the words they use.
Just admit it, you are not a writer. By the use of your language I wud have a guess at 17-19 years old.
There it is, folks. The sort of pure, perfect, savant like irony that only a genuinely clueless person can expel. Study it, laugh at it, mock it, fear it, admire it.
Thanks for your comments.
"Uh oh. Taking a phrase out of a satire and seriously applying it to the real world? Dangerous."
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"They don't speak English in business schools over in England? What a silly piece of rationalizing."
Idiot! If you managed to get that from what I wrote then you really cannot have any perception skills. I merely said that my English would not be perfect.
I made my points on King Arthur and someone disagreed. I had forgotten about that post but I do not stand corrected as I have read most if not all the legends and so have my friends and all of us have come up with the same conclusion, the film is bullsh*t and another "hollywoodisation" of a good legend into a poor film.
"business schools "
Why in the world would I go to a business school, isnt this just a place for lay people to learn the basics, I have a degree, not a certificate saying I have completed the course. Next time you answer my posts please do not twist them, make observations and comment, maybe I will take your comments more seriously if you take this plan of action. All that I can conclude from your posts is that my comments clearly angered you. Did I hit a nerve? Did I get too close to the truth? Did it cause you to almost realise that you are a nobody? Im sorry if I hit a nerve, it cant be easy to accept when you are clearly dellusional. But anyway I look forward to hearing from you again, as I am sure I will.
really bad karma going on here, i mean, when i log on such forums i expect somthing like: lets discuss this plot, or,what did the author mean by that line, not everyone to go ballistic? its just a movie.
besides, we need to be more open minded, so i would say that the movie kept me setting tell it ended, and this is a very good sign i guess, but since nothing is perfect, it has its some avoidable cons that i think it was covered in this debate over the year.
the tom cruise thing: i tend to believe that most of tom cruise anti-fans are males, and they hate his "the cutest kid in the class looks" yet he is dumb and he dosent deserve all this blessings, but the guy used to work in the lowest possible position in the icecream industry, so maybe life is not that bad..
pink floyd's "time" is ringing in my ears all of a sudden.
I enjoyed Richardthelionheart's post (as well as many others). Especially the way he highlighted the fact that if Sir Charles wrote for a magazine, he would be able to afford to go to the cinema (which he says he can't). Also, I enjoyed seeing the phrase "toss pot". Ah, there's nothing better than straight-forward English insults. Hoorah!
I saw "Cocktail" on VH1 the other day. When Elizabeth Shue keeps saying "I bet I can still spook you" to a very smug Mr Cruise, I was thinking that it would be good if she then said in a Frank Butcher-esque voice: "My real name's Alan".
Especially the way he highlighted the fact that if Sir Charles wrote for a magazine, he would be able to afford to go to the cinema (which he says he can't).
Congratulations. You are the eleventeenth person on the thread to:
1) Say that I claimed to write for a magazine, when I have said no such thing. Please copy and paste where I stated this. 2) Completely gloss over the part where I stated that the review is written in character. I also do not drink.
As you are a selective reader. I will re-post the response I gave to richardthelionheart:
This is my quote: The review that you are so disgusted by was written for my job. It is really a pretty popular column these days. Cocktail was one of the first reviews I did, and while I imagine the length and content were not to your liking, I was actually given the green light to expand future reviews up to ten times the length of this one. Amazing, isn't it?
This was a response to being told that I have no job. I am not sure how you decide that my providing a serious response to such silly statements as that(and your #1) constitutes bragging. I did not say the reviews were on the front page of the New York Times. They are for a fairly small web community with probably around 5,000 regular readers. I am not of the belief that my job makes me a hot shot, and I never stated or implied that to be the case. I simply stated that I do have a job, and amazingly enough, this is it.
Also, you seem to have missed the part where I explained(though the entire point of the reviews is to NOT explain) that the reviews are written in character. I realize that this is very complicated, and difficult to digest all at once(especially given your adoration for Cocktail), but it is just a fact. I am not an alcoholic, in fact I do not drink alcohol at all; and I am not too poor to go to the movies. In my Next of Kin review, I stated that I "had killed a man in Memphis". I suppose that if you read that review you would have to add a fifth point in order to call me a murderer.
"Uh oh. Taking a phrase out of a satire and seriously applying it to the real world? Dangerous." reply share
Idiot! If you managed to get that from what I wrote then you really cannot have any perception skills. I merely said that my English would not be perfect.
......... Alright, now, back here in reality. I will go to the trouble of re-posting what you said: P.s. While you are reading this do not even try to discredit my post by mocking my grammar/sentence structure as I have never claimed to be a master of English. I am merely a graduate of IS and Business, not English. I wonder, Rossinio, how you would explain such a statement. My point, which not surprisingly has eluded you, is that you will have a very difficult time explaining to me why a person who has attained a business degree would not be able to speak clear English. I am assuming that English is your first language.
Perhaps your post script was just a non-sequitur, but it reads like an excuse. "Don't think about criticizing me for not being able to speak properly. I have a business degree,"...... It just does not make sense. Had you not even bothered to point out your 8 year old grasp of the language and then added the fact that you have a business degree, I would not have bothered to point out how this excuse for your poor grammar is lacking coherence.
I made my points on King Arthur and someone disagreed. I had forgotten about that post but I do not stand corrected as I have read most if not all the legends and so have my friends and all of us have come up with the same conclusion, the film is bullsh*t and another "hollywoodisation" of a good legend into a poor film.
Allow me to expound on your minimalizing of how childish your behavior on that board was. After your scattershot original post, the first response was this: " Well, if u knew that britain was a roman province in the 5th century A.D u shouldn't be surprised that u saw Arthur as a roman officer..." You responded with: "You are a muppet! Plain and Simple. The whole point is Arthur was not based in Roman times. Thus Arthur was NOT a Roman officer. Arthur was only based in Roman Times for "Hollywoodisation/Bollucksisation" for this film.
I realize that I risk losing you by telling you that I both disagree and agree with you on this. The film is ridiculous, in that it tries to blend too many things together. It is taking it's story from various versions of the mythology, and from several different sources that attempt to explain the historical derivation of the mythology. This makes the title and characters completely arbitrary. Are the filmmakers trying to tell you what really happened, or make their own version of the legend? Who knows, who cares.......
However, where you come up short(aside from the fact that you go off the deep end and expose yourself as an individual unable to engage in a civil dialogue), is in your apparent assertions that you have all of the information on the mythology of Arthur. Combatreview makes several points that refute your assertions, and get this, he mentions his sources.
Historians are not even able to verify if there was an Arthur at all. Most of the aspects of the story that people hold as universal are the result of a synthesis of legends. The combination of so many legends into one story came centuries after England was occupied by Rome, however, that does not mean that the origins of these legends does not go back to those times. The very origins of the name "Arthur" are Roman. Historians are on both sides of this argument, and there will never really be any way to verify the truth one way or the other(unless time travel is made possible one day). Somehow, I have a hard time accepting that despite the decidedly unclear vision provided by people educated in this subject that you have somehow managed to solve the puzzle and can provide the world with a comprehensive factual timeline and origin of all of the characters.
What is most contemptible about your responses on this thread, Rossinio, is the way that you repeatedly cite only yourself(and your friends, who of course, are not present, and whose research is not available to anyone) as a source. Once your sad misinformation is exposed, you retreat into this response "English is a notoriously a mickey mouse subject. But that is besides the point," to discredit the person putting actual information into the discussion(combatreview), rather than personal supposition(you).
In summation, King Arthur is an irrelevant, misinformed film and Rossinio is an irrelevant, misinformed poster.
Why in the world would I go to a business school, isnt this just a place for lay people to learn the basics, I have a degree, not a certificate saying I have completed the course.
I suspected this would be really confusing for you, so I will take credit for not being as clear as possible, and not speaking in the simplest terminology available. In the US, when you attend a university, though much of your course work will be in subjects unrelated to your major(in your case, business), you are still tied to the department in which you major. Thus, in receiving my degrees, I was in the film school, and the english school.
The funny part is that your attempt to correct me only serves to punctuate the original point..... If you attended a university, why do you feel as though you should not be expected to speak proper English?
All that I can conclude from your posts is that my comments clearly angered you. Did I hit a nerve? Did I get too close to the truth? Did it cause you to almost realise that you are a nobody? Im sorry if I hit a nerve, it cant be easy to accept when you are clearly dellusional. But anyway I look forward to hearing from you again, as I am sure I will.
Yes Rossinio, I am seething. I may never get over this shocking blow to the ego. It is great fun the way so many of the people on this thread read anger from straight-forward responses. As is the standard, I neglect to make any ad hominem(you might want to look this phrase up) attacks, while you(like the others) love to lace your posts with them(You are angry, you are nobody, you are 17-19). If anything, your trivial insults provide me with a bit of self esteem. I am much better at insulting myself than you, because I have the magical, mystical ability of self-reflection. I could very easily go through my posts and point out flaws, but you come up quite short, primarily because you spend too much of your time focusing on nothing that I have said.
I quite comfortably see myself as nobody, Rossinio. It certainly did not take your non-sensical ramblings to illustrate that to me. In fact, if I had only your posts as a frame of reference, I would be likely to think of myself as the most captivating celebrity on the planet. That you would think so highly of your ability to stir emotions is one of the terrific mysteries and inconsistencies that make you who you are.
I will leave you by posting another of your greatest hits:
Next time you answer my posts please do not twist them, make observations and comment, maybe I will take your comments more seriously if you take this plan of action.
......Pot, meet the kettle.
"Uh oh. Taking a phrase out of a satire and seriously applying it to the real world? Dangerous." reply share
Thought I would have a look at this thread again - just for laughs...
Charles is still bloody at it!!! Does the man ever give up defending his attempt to be clever, witty and somewhat intellectual about reviewing Cocktail - sense the irony in that one Charles.
I too came back to look at this thread after almost a year after my original posts. I can't believe that Chucky is still at it. He might be the largest donkey-homer on all of the boards. Not only did he write a 2 page reveiw of Cocktail, but now he has written over 10 pages trying to defend himself. Please Charles, for the love of humanity, give it up.
Well I couldnt be bothered reading your reply since it was quite long and probably tedious, plus full of over zealous bullsh*t. Anyway my reply to whatever you have written, stop digging the hole.
Yes, all of these responses have pretty much taken up all of my time since the thread began so long ago. What sort of person responds to people who talk to them? Shame on me.
Glad to know you are still a fan. Enjoy.
"Uh oh. Taking a phrase out of a satire and seriously applying it to the real world? Dangerous."
Cocktails and Dreams, sweaty mullets, Don Johnson-esque outfits and tasteless poems are seemingly all the ingredients to make a bar crowd wild.. and you watched and embraced it countless times from the VHS! Now you can watch it from DVD with extras, featuring Elisabeth Shues' commentary on how it almost ended her career. It almost seems that the kids from the 80's try to defend the picture, because Mom is still "hooked on the feeling" and she's got a picture of Tom Cruise in the wardrobe, next to the straw jeans. Or does it keep the dream fresh that dancing in a cool club might sparkle stardom. "Hey you look hot, come work for me?" If things don't turn out to be right, you can always punch people in the nose and move to Jamaica and walk down the beach in the evenings and feel nightly breeze blowing through Elishabet Shue's unshaved armpits. After watching this movie I felt sad, like a part of me had died and I heard Bonnie Tyler laughing in the distance "The 80's are in fashion, Im baaacck!"
I proudly present you with the 1988 Razzies:
COCKTAIL (Touchstone) Ted Field and Robert W. Cort, producers
COCKTAIL Screenplay by Heywood Gould, Based on His Book
Degreed? Charles, you are supposed to be so intellectually superior. What happend there? Isn't "degreed" from "Wall Street" -- "degreed is good, degreed is right, degreed works." Hahahahahaha
I found CharlesCastle review and the since replies more entertaining than the film.
I thought that dialogs was pretty bad and some of the acting kind of corny, and too many kissing scenes. Hate the scene when he stands on the bar and reads a poem to his "unborn child" and i hate the reaction of the bar crowd.. ewwwww.
I missed the scene that CharlesCastle refers to about Cruise resighting another poem while dancing. Sounds funny though.
The length of this thread is ridiculous based on the subject matter. Everyone should just learn to agree to disagree. It's just going in circles with no one really changing anyone elses mind. I happen to love Cocktail even though I agree it's no cinematic gem. It doesn't try to be politically conscious or solve any of the worlds problems, it's a movie I can watch when I just want to get out of my own reality, and is part 80's cheese, which is what I love about it. I hate it when celebrities get all political, cause let's face it most of them are getting parts more for their sex appeal than anything else (not that they are ALL bad actors)but mostly they're getting paid to look pretty. That's sure as hell why I love Tom Cruise, he's gorgeous and is a decent actor! Aside from that I really don't care to hear about his political views, which I probably wouldn't agree with anyway, and I don't want that to detract from my enjoyment of his films. Anyway, this wasn't meant to stir the pot, just another POV. Love it or hate it, none of us are any better than anyone else for our viewpoints.
P.S. Tom, if you happen to read this my phone # is:...LOL
No, no, no! Must not get sucked into the vortex of this everlasting post! Noooooo! In a world where size matters, this post must be feeling pretty chuffed, along with the long-suffering, Charles whose mastery of the english language & tenacity of a pitbull make for an entertaining read for those without a life (sigh, myself included... alas). All over a little bit Hollywood fluff, no less. Wonders will never cease. I think I'll go for a soda where nobody hurts & nobody dies.
yes cocktail was dry and at times slow... but what a story!!!
what great characters.. Bryan was funny and charming.. Jordan was really sexy and very cute.. i like feel good films and this was one of them. one of my favouirite films every made...
After months and months of careful deliberation, I feel that my opinion MUST be heard on this matter!!
Although I fear I will be subjecting myself to the gamut of unintelligible contemptuous replies filled with poorly structured sentence fragments, as well as the general derision and scorn of the Charles-haters, I find myself agreeing with him. Cocktail is a poorly made movie, although one I can say I enjoyed when I was sixteen and my main priorities in life included cheap malt beverages and scantily clad women.
I don't know how many times I have found myself chuckling at the masses who insist on taking his opinion of their apparently life-altering, existentialistic interpretation of this lame-duck so seriously, but it gives me great pleasure!