It is possible she chose the man who was right for her in that stage in her life and now she is in a new place in her life, she's changed and she thinks maybe she should have been with Gene, but you only get two moments of them together, that doesn't mean it would have worked. She's just remembering those two instances. In reality she could have chosen him and he could have been too passionate for her. Without spoiling anything, remember, if you can, what she did for the sake of her career when she was with the much older man who was her professor and who wanted a child, she was obsessed with the life of the mind, only later did she take an interest in the life of the heart.
The thing is people change and spouses don't always change in the same direction and when people are unhappy they reflect on what could have been but in reality what could have been never would have been as wonderful as the imagination makes it to be.