MovieChat Forums > Another Woman (1988) Discussion > no. 5 on my Woody list, where is it on y...

no. 5 on my Woody list, where is it on yours?

I am a huge Allen fan, but had somehow let this one slip through the cracks. Thanks to Netflix, I remedied this and just watched a great movie. Stunning pacing, characterization, dramatic devices not normally seen in film (unless it's Bergman or 'Six Feet Under'.) Did anyone else notice Frances Conroy as the sister-in-law, by the way? My REVISED Woody Allen best list (of the films I've seen):

1. Manhattan
2. Hannah and Her Sisters
3. Alice (sorely underrated!)
4. Another Woman / Annie Hall
5. Husbands and Wives
6. Crimes and Misdemeanors
7. Interiors
8. Purple Rose of Cairo
9. Radio Days
10. Broadway Danny Rose
11. Small Time Crooks (another underrated comic masterpiece, even if it does have Michael Rappaport in it)
12. Sleeper / Play It Again Sam / Love and Death
13. Manhattan Murder Mystery
14. Deconstructing Harry
15. Stardust Memories
16. Mighty Aphrodite
17. Bullets Over Broadway
18. Sweet and Lowdown
19. Match Point

Melinda and Melinda doesn't merit a rating, although I have seen it.


Brilliant. My ratings are basically the same. A few alterations

1. Hannah and her Sisters
2. Annie Hall
3. Manhattan
4. Alice (absolutely agree, underrated)
5. Another Woman
6. Husbands and Wives
7. Crimes and Misdemeanors
8. Interiors
9. Purple Rose of Cairo
10. Radio Days
11. Broadway Danny Rose
12. Bullets over Broadway
13. Mighty Aphrodite
14. Shadows and Fog (not on your list - but a must-see, also underrated)
15. Deconstructing Harry
16. Manhattan Murder Mystery
17. Small Time Crooks
18. Curse of Jade Scorpion
19. Sweet and Lowdown
20. Match Point
21. Hollywood Endings (miss it)

His early films are great but they're "silly" so I don't really count them in with the rest.


1. Crimes and Misdemeanors
2. Another Woman
3. Interiors
4. Bananas
5. Sleeper

Manhattan was very good, but don't know how I feel about it. I like Deconstructing Harry, but feel Annie Hall is very overrated, though it is great fun.


nice. your list mirrors mine... it's impossible to get woody fans to agree on his 'best' it seems. revising my list some, i would move 'purple rose of cairo' way up, and 'interiors' way down.


My top 10:

1. Annie Hall
2. Manhattan
3. Crimes and Misdemeanors
4. Another Woman
5. Hannah and Her Sisters
6. Deconstructing Harry
7. Match Point
8. September
9. Mighty Aphrodite
10. Anything Else


I am a huge Woody fan as well. My top-ten Allen's films are:
1-Another woman
2-Crimes and misdemeanors
3-Hanna and her sisters
5-Bullets over Broadway
6- Manhattan
8-Days of Radio
9-Manhattan Murder Mister
10-Everybody says I love you


I'll go with a shorter list:

1) Another Woman
2) Crimes & Misdemeanors
3) Manhattan
4) Husbands & Wives
5) Alice
6) Purple Rose of Cairo
7) Manhattan Murder Mystery

I have to confess that I've pretty much stopped watching Woody's films since Manhattan MM.

Also, 'Interiors' is probably the only film in his catalog which I actively disliked. (Although I've avoided all the recent clinkers such as "Shadows & Fog", and the one starring Kenneth Branagh.)


I suppose it would my number 7 on a top 10 list that looks like this:

1 Manhattan
2 Annie Hall
3 Hannah and Her Sisters
4 Crimes and Misdemeanors
5 Interiors
6 Husbands and Wives
7 Another Woman
8 Stardust Memories
9 Vicky Cristina Barcelona
10 Purple Rose of Cairo

I have such love hate relationship with the film. I mostly love it, I just hate the fact that so much of it has been based off of Wild Strawberries. I guess the fact that it's not original bothers me because in way I find it to be a perfect. I have this random memory of when I was in grade 11 or 12 and I would skip my morning classes and watch this film. I always came back to this film but I'm not entirely sure why.


I think it's just behind "Annie Hall", "Crimes & Misdemeanors", "Hannah & Her Sisters", "Interiors", and "Manhattan", which are all kind of tied for 1st place for me.

"Another Woman" is so curiously fascinating to me every moment of the way. Love the introspection. And it's got this strange element of suspense, too, that's really unique among his films.

So I guess #6 for me, although I must admit, in terms of which movies of his I've watched the most, it probably goes up a couple notches since I like to put it on a couple times a year for others to discover it on movie nights. Never get tired of it.


From the ones I've seen:

1. Match Point
2. Husbands And Wives
3. Vicky Christina Barcelona
4. Annie Hall
5. Deconstructing Harry
6. Take The Money And Run
7. Cassandra's Dream
8. Radio Days
9. Zelig
10. Bullets Over Broadway
11. Hannah And Her Sisters
12. Crimes And Misdemeanors
13. Manhattan Murder Mystery
14. Stardust Memories (need to give this one another try sometimes, didn't really have the patience when I watched it the first time)
15. Scoop
16. Another Woman
17. Sleeper
18. Sweet And Lowdown
19. Melinda And Melinda
20. Mighty Aphrodite

I'm looking forward to seeing all the important movies by Allen I still haven't seen, yet.


I'm bad at lists, but there's no question that if I made one for Woody films, "Another Woman" would be No. 1, followed probably by "Crimes & Misdemeanors." I'm not sure where I'd go after that, but isn't it great he makes these lists so difficult (at least for me)?


Dead last. I hated the main character... such an arrogant, cold bitch.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep.



Currently on position 33.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
