
The film Chronicle has a lot of Akira influences and will probably be a closer live-acion adaption than any official Hollywood interpretation. That's all I wanted to write.



This is true

A true 90's kid


Yep, good movie!


You know it's funny, so far everything we have heard about a live action Akira remake has been damn terrible, with the studio wanting people like Keanu Reeves to be Kaneda.

Yet, some first time director makes a low budget film that is influenced by Akira and basically captures everything an Akira film needs to really be, just on a much larger scale.

I say that studio execs need to look at Chronicle like they should have looked at District 9.It all starts with character and good writing, talented filmmakers who can create scale and action with lower budgets and talented actors who don't need to be A list.

If anything, Chronicle showed it's actually possible to make something like Akira work in live action, if the right people are involved.


I've got Chronicle, I'm going to watch it tonight, and it looks good. But answer me this - when has a live-action anime EVER worked, EVER? They just don't, check all the examples: Speed Racer, Last Airbender, Dragonball? They're animated for a reason - they just wouldn't work otherwise. It's just the same as asking for a live-action Simpsons or Family Guy.

"I am a mushroom-cloud laying motherf-cker, motherf-cker!"


That's the way I feel about X-MEN. In my opinion, there's yet to be a really good film adaptation of X-MEN. And I'm not even sure it's possible. Although, strangely enough, the "First Class" movie was better visually (set design, effects, costumes, choreography etc.) than the first three movies.

The 90s cartoon was amazing. The movies are a joke.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


@antsharp: if akira and ghost in the shell are over-rated, what are some examples of underrated anime that put them to shame?


^ this



I love anime, but I must agree that Ghost in the Shell is overrated from a narrative perspective. The story was just too thin. By the time the plot got rolling, the movie was coming to an end. If there is fifteen minutes of deleted footage or so, perhaps it can be salvaged. But as it stands, Ghost in the Shell was terrific animation with terrific themes and a solid plot that just concerned itself with getting its points and themes across more than telling an actual story. It did a good job of provoking our thoughts. But where's the story? Everything that was in Ghost in the Shell was great and wonderfully executed. Unfortunately there just wasn't enough.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


I honestly believe that Chronicle might be the more important film in some ways thematically, with a far more tragic message. The character who becomes psionic in Akira was a gang member to begin with. The character in Chronicle who becomes the threat is someone innocent who experiences misfortunes from a number of angles before he is finally pushed over the edge. We sympathize with him, he is pitiful, we care and root for him, until gradually he reaches a point where he becomes monstrous.

It's actually a pretty dark tale of what it means for a member of society's unfit to become super powerful. In this world which is survival of the fittest, Chronicle's main character is someone who originally is not a member of the fittest. And he remains that way for a while, even after he's acquired his telekinetic ability. It isn't until a (realistically) gradual spiral that a series of misfortunes pushes him to take advantage of his new-found ability.

Just what would happen if an unfortunate and tormented member of society's ecologically unfit were to stumble upon powers that made him instantly superior to everyone else? I believe Chronicle portrays this beautifully and frighteningly.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


dretam has hit the nail right on the head.

I still think akira is a better movie but i like both of them very much.

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