MovieChat Forums > Akira (1988) Discussion > All White actors for live action!?

All White actors for live action!?

Even George Takei said that castle a white ensemble would be offensive to the Japanese. I understand them having to westernize it for American sensibilities but seriously? Not even one Asian could get cast in this potential blockbuster?

And this seriously should stay an anime and not a live action. They will just ruin it. It's why too unique a story for mainstream culture. I just fear that the movie will tank because people just won't 'get it'.


Not only that, but Kurosawa didn't cast a single Scot in "Throne of Blood".


It seems quite silly to want to cast all American, white actors in the roles for Akira. I mean, can you imagine a big name Hollywood white actor playing someone named Tetsuo Shima? They used to do this in the old days, as Yule Brenner in the role of the Egyptian Pharoah in The Ten Commandments comes to mind (and he did a good job, don't get me wrong), but it is kind of laughable when you look back on it now. I guess this is the real reason a live action American film will never get off the ground. Studios simply don't want to risk big money on less known actors in starring roles. I read somewhere that Ken Watanabe was considered at one point for the Colonel, and that would be a great choice. But seriously, I have a hard time seeing the likes of Leo DiCaprio in the lead. I think he is a good actor, but it would just be too oddball. George Takei is right.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


The problem i had is that most of the actors approached were far too old to play 15-18 year olds, I mean Keanu Reeves is in his 40's thats ridiculous, on top of that if they were to completely westernise the film , what would they call it, ADAM, ALAN ? they would have already changed too much for that name to have any real relevance ?

Another thing I wanna point out to one of the main themes of Akira is nuclear warfare the fact it starts with a nuclear explosion , already would have lost it's impact if in an American setting , no other country on earth knows devistation , and personal trauma of nuclear warfare other than Japan, they were the first and so far the only country to experience the trauma and horror of a nuclear warfare, so right off the bat this comes of as a heavy, personal topic, it doesn't carry the same kind of weight when used against the USA especially when they were the only country to use such a weapon as an offensive during war.

"The stuff that dreams are made of."


It's true that the explosion imagery has a special power and meaning to the Japanese viewer, but at the time the story was written in the 80s, the Cold War was still going on. The plot of the first three volumes of the manga boils down to the arms race revolving around this little boy, so it was a topic that would have been relevant to an American reader. Nuclear anxiety wasn't just a Japanese issue, it was felt globally.

For me, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with changing the setting of the story, because the themes are broad enough to apply to basically any industrialized country. Government corruption and secrecy, urban rootlessness, youth violence, the conflict between the old who are in power and the young who desire change, the impermanence of society, overheated economic growth that fails to trickle down to the underclass...what country doesn't deal with these problems to some degree? I honestly think that you could change the setting to the near future of any industrialized nation with a sprawling metropolis and have it work. You would just have to change the names and races of the characters.

I wouldn't have a problem if they took the story of AKIRA and set it in America. I would have a problem if they took out everything that made it an international movie and made it an American movie for a domestic audience.

And they definitely need to keep the actors in their teens. I just can't imagine this teenage love-hate bromance/rivalry thing happening with 30-40 year olds. That is not a 30-something-guy dynamic.


I have nothing against setting it NYC, I think the themes of corruption, gang violence, child delinquency would work extremely well if not better in an American setting in general, to my knowledge no other country has documented gang violence as in depth as the USA.

Speaking of I like to see Akira as an alternative reality to post WW2 Japan, what if the Japanese post-war economic miracle didn't occur ? you pretty much get the state of the country depicted in Akira, it's themes like post-war country/ Nuclear warfare that hit so much closer to Japan than it ever would to the states

"The stuff that dreams are made of."


This is a major part of why the film is currently in Production Hell. I think if a major Japanese director were to get involved some progress could be made, but I really don't want Takashi Miike making this film.


I agree. I read they tried to cast James Franco. They really have to be dumb *beep* to take it that direction. *beep* James franco? I also read they tried to cast Leonardo Dicaprio. Hollywood is f**cking retarded.

Don't even make the movie unless you make it in Tokyo with Asian actors.
And I'm a white guy who lives in California.
