MovieChat Forums > The Accused (1988) Discussion > The Actors Who Did the Raping

The Actors Who Did the Raping

That must have been tough to do that scene with people looking on as well as the cameras. I mean, grinding up against Jodie Foster like that...and I cannot imagine what was going through her mind during that particular scene. It was very uncomfortable to watch...I almost got sick...that is just such a horrible thing to happen to anyone.


Apparently these actors had trouble acting in this scene and had emotional breakdowns due to the disturbing nature of this scene by taking breaks during the shoot and weeping. It must have been very difficult for all involved!


I heard this, too. Also, I heard they shot the rape scene FIRST because the filmmakers thought that as the actors began to work with Foster more (in other scenes) and knew her better, they would only find it even more difficult to shoot the rape scene.


I doubt if they were really all that disturbed by it. They were professional actors, after all.


"emotional breakdowns and weeping?" How extreme. Who told you this? Professional actors know it's not real. It's not La Method either--they know what they are doing.


I think Foster is quoted as saying that she burst a blood vessel in her eye from crying so much while filming the scene. As for the other actors, I would say that it is highly likely that it would have been a very emotional experience. You know what it can be like sometimes, when someone in your space can get upset and it can start others off. These were professional actors playing scumbags and it could have become overwhelming for them. The fact that they were very believable and did a realistic job, is to their credit.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


LOL you guys are too much. Bunch of BS. Next you're gonna tell me Leo Rossi was also in tears because he was so upset during that scene. Hahaha.


Rossi wasn't one of the actors playing the physical rapists, and don't place a stereotype or image of what you would expect Rossi to be like as a person, you don't know either.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


There you go rascal, stick em!



Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


Jodie Foster herself doesn't even remember filming the scene because as soon as the cameras started rolling, she blacked out. She helped the other actors by comforting them in between takes and reminding them that she was okay and that they had to get through filming the scene as tough as it was. By the end of the week (the scene took a week to film), everybody on set broke down and cried according to her A&E Biography.


lol sounds a bit hard to believe, some looked genuinely like they were having fun. Did Leo Rossi also cry on set?


Didn't you know that all of the actors involved in the rape scene were all gay? Jodie herself is a lesbian. The scene was uncomfortable for them because the guys had to pretend that they were touching and having sex with a hot woman and enjoying it. They were totally grossed out by the experience. If the actors cried it was because of that. Jodie blacked it out because having a man grind on top of her and lick her body made her violently ill.


Wow, you're really dumb



In and interview, with Alison Sloane, published in January 1989 Steven describes filming the rape scene as "Gruelling but Cathartic". It was filmed in full several time and it was much more graphic than is seen in the film.


D amn, is there director's cut? I want to see that!


