I have to say, when I read all these intelligent posts, I often even FORGET about how in reality, there are so many victim blamers, or people who don't see why rape is a big deal etc, even if deep down inside I KNOW that in reality overall, that is not the case.
So can I ask - why IS reality so different then and why can't the MAJORITY people be as intelligent, logical, compassionate and understanding enough to see rape overall for the horrifying and violent crime that it really is and condemn it at least theoretically enough, as such?
What - were most of the world's population among the "silent majority" NOT informed and educated on the matter so as to think appropriately?
It doesn't make a lot of sense, to be honest.
On a slightly different matter.
As much as I don't DISAGREE with rape or even sex laws GENERALLY, I personally, on a purely psychological level feel that, with a strict sense that they are enforced and explained, even if it IS meant to be for the good of us (and many both agree AND understand it - more power to them), I personally don't feel like and am afraid to have any sex at all.
And as much as I agree that victim blaming and all of that is wrong and is a problem, I sometimes can't feel but wonder why normal ordinary people, who are otherwise normal law-abiding citizens, would ever be inclined to feel that way?
The fact that we even KNOW about it does indeed suggest that this problem is indeed VERY common, and happens a lot.
And by the way, are there a LOT of psychopaths out there - in the world? Including those able and willing to commit rape? And would you say that one HAS to have at least some kind of sadistic inclinations to go about and do it?
If you ask me, I agree victim blaming is wrong and needs to stop. But I wonder why it even happens in the first place, I mean - if they just don't understand how serious it all is, why do they have to jump to conclusions rather than ask questions?