
Season Five Episode #6 entitled Triangle.

I found this episode kind of disturbing in a way. For one if I was Wayne I would have been legitimately ticked off at Kevin and the so called girl friend as well.

For two what the heck kind of moral reprobate is Keven Arnold? For starters I wouldn't want my brothers girl friend and I don't care how attractive she is. Sure Wayne's girl friend was extremely attractive especially in that yellow plaid mini skirt, but she's Wayne's girl friend why would I want to share a girl with my brother? Especially those two they couldn't even share a room together.

I know it's TV and they were just making an episode, and granted things like that usually don't work out quite that way in real life at least not that I've ever experienced, but I don't know that episode was not the best people say they didn't like "Frank and Denise", but I thought Frank and Denise was a heck of a better episode then "Triangle" you know the girl in "Triangle" what kind of confused individual was she?

She knew a relationship like that would never work how could it? Wouldn't Jack and Norma also have some objections and wouldn't Kevin be in for a little bit of a butt whooping.

Over all "The Wonder Years" was a fabulous show that was extremely well done you'll never see quality like this on TV ever again however I know season 5 they had to stretch a little bit and while it was a good show each season had a lot of episodes and it's hard to hit a home run every time and there were times the series got a little dry, but that's also real life sometimes life is just going through the daily grind.

However by Season 5 Paul was starting to get down graded and Winnie Cooper who I liked less and less and less as the seasons went on really was not shown that much and Kevin's new friends were kind of just a bunch of goofs I don't even know where they came from they just appeared. However Season 5 was the second last one and I know it some would say had a lot of one and done characters and they were probably stretching a little.

The one thing good about "The Wonder Years" was while some say it should have went another season at least it did not develop "Boy Meets World" syndrome.

Allow me to explain "Boy Meets World" when it first came out also on ABC in the mid 1990s right after "The Wonder Years" was done was a pretty good show on Friday night, however I watched it and I liked, it but as "Boy Meets World" went on it went on and on and on and on and by the late 1990 early 2000s that show was a totally different show then what it was when it first started and I lost complete interest in it around the late 1990s finally when that show went off the air and was cancelled it was about time. I know sometimes these TV shows the writers only mean for them to be around so long and the networks want them to be around longer because there still getting ratings.

"The Wonder Years" they probably pulled the plug on it at the right time, because that show could have had been on the air to long one more season seeing Kevin graduate probably would have been fine, but after that I would have said no more after a while shows lose something when there on the air for to long.


'No inclination to read all of that. Get a life. It was an entertaining TV show....F-I-C-T-I-O-N.

.....................Sometimes ya gotta wonder.... 


Wayne's girlfriend was incredibly hot but I agree - it's really creepy, almost incestuous, to be sharing your girlfriend with her brother. And to do it behind his back was even more barfworthy.

And those scenes of him and the girl making out in private were akin to soft porn.


Yeah but the episode was realistic lot of male brothers sleep around with there girlfriends behind there backs, kevin was lonely and desperate and when boys get desperate they will sleep with any girl
