MovieChat Forums > The Wonder Years (1988) Discussion > Jack Arnold: A Supporter of Women's Libe...

Jack Arnold: A Supporter of Women's Liberation?

Yes we see in the early years him getting pissed at Norma for not buying Pepsi and still trying to be protective of Karen like she's 10 years old.

However I remember in later episodes in the series, a few times he would be considered in those days a "progressive" on women's freedom / issues.

The time when Norma went back to her hometown and her ex boyfriend or guy with a crush (Roger) on her kept coming around. Then Jack had twisted his ankle and couldn't go to the dance they were going to have and just suggested. "Why don't you let Roger take you to the dance" Basically allowing his wife to go on a date with a guy he was distrustful of, but he trusted his wife.

Another time when Kevin had lied about going all the way with Winnie and word got around and she hated him. Then he's sitting with Jack at the kitchen table and Kevin tries to get have some male camaraderie and says something along the lines like "Can you believe how crazy she is Dad for being mad?" His words were something like "I could believe it, you're an idiot, and should be ashamed of yourself"

I believe there might have been other cases like this. Can anyone recall?

Jesus would support Universal Health Care



I think Jack started to roll with the times-a-changing, but for me, those examples are more on par with Jack's traditional values.

I didn't see anything about women's lib that made Jack cool with Norma going to the reunion thing without him. He just trusted and respected Norma, and back in the older days, having an escort other than a spouse without a worry of hanky-panky was very accepted. I see Jack treating that situation the same even if lib hadn't even existed. He just trusted Norma and cared about her happiness,,which were good things.

Then with the Kevin making up relations with Winnie to brag to his buddies and Jack's reaction seemed again to be more traditional; ,the "how could you be so disrespectful to your girlfriend and malign her honor?" Very classic gentleman response, not entrenched in women's lib. Any old-fashioned guy have said that 10+ years prior.

With all that said, yes Jack was becoming more receptive to the consequences of the movement; from fully accepting his modern daughter to his wife's career, Jack was kind of becoming a feminist. :)


Not sure never thoughtvof him as. Sexiest he kept his personal issues a secret


Re Norma working it also might have been economic reality. Cost of living was going up. She needed to work in order for them to eat and stay alive.

Also with Kevin, their youngest graduating high school (and going off) what was she going to do? This was the era prior to medicines for having kids later--and having kids in your 30's was considered 'late' back then. The doctors who examined my mom were shocked when she started kids in the 1970's at her 30's. so yes, she would work now.
