Was Jack a Republican?

He comes off as a die hard Nixon supporter. In Season 6 I think he voted for Nixon.

Boston and Philly love to slander us, but they don t have as many fans as us


Die-hard? I don't think he was die-hard. He was definitely a lifelong Republican, a moderate, California Republican, though, and just voted along party lines, but I don't believe he was fanatical or super enthusiastic about Nixon.

Had he not died in the 70s, I doubt he would be casting his ballot for Drumpf now, in 2016...he had way too much class to be a Trumpeter.


and you think he would have voted for Hillary? I don't think so!


Jack may not have ended up being a Trumpeter, but I could see him casting his vote more "against Clinton" than "pro Trump." The voting ends up being the same (unless Jack did a write-in for another GOP member), but many settled for Trump rather than being gung-ho. I could see that for Jack.


seemed more like a chevrolet man to me.

"You have to live life to its full chorizo!"-Mario Batali🏄


I think he was a Republican, but not ultra-conservative.


Well, we know he loathed the flower-child movement. The episode where John Corbett comes to dinner (Karen's boyfriend) proved that. And who can blame him? He had actually fought in a war. Those kids were off playing dress-up somewhere.


There was an episode in season 5 where Wayne wanted to join the army and fight in Vietnam but Jack strongly opposed it even though he had been in the marines. It was nice that they didn't make him a stereotypical pro-war ex-marine even though he hated hippies and the counterculture, it would have been too predictable. Many middle-class people in real life opposed the war too.


We have to remember politics isn't as hardened as it is today. Nixon signed EPA into law, signed public funding for birth control into law, and supported affirmative action....positions which are now attacked by republicans today.

And in the early 1970's Vietnam Veterans Against the War grew significantly in size--making it very difficult to classify opposition to Vietnam as unpatriotic, anti-solider or 'dirty hippies'

Jack Arnold would likely be swayed by this group and their arguments. They also fought in war but were saying it was still wrong.


Not sure his personal thoughts and feelings was never brought up on the whole 6 seasons of the show

