Girl lost in woods? Anyone remember this?
A child of the 80's here. Trying to locate a mystery I watched on television. I watched a lot of Unsolved Mysteries when I was young, so I think it's from there. Please let me know if you have any info. This story has been driving me crazy for years and my google searches lead me nowhere, so I'd appreciate any help!
*Young girl (like, 6-9 years old) is hiking with her parents. I *think* it was a national park like Yosemite or Yellowstone or something. I'm not sure, though.
*Young girl wanders into the woods and gets lost.
*She is found about 5 days later, nearly unconscious, by the side of a river. The man who finds her is riding on horse back.
*The girl is reunited with her family and recovers. She says that while she was lost another young girl, about her same age, kept her company. She says the girl's name (it's like 'Missy' or 'Sara' or something - a pretty basic name). It turns out some little girl with that same name got lost and died in the same wilderness many years before.
Anyone remember anything like that?