
Out of all the episodes in Series 10 I think although not a great episode I have a particular fondness for it. I thought it was quite brave they did an episode where they go back in time and seemingly met Jesus. I just thought it a shame they predictably bowed to convention and tacked on the "mistaken identity" trope presumably not to potentially offend any more more than they might already have. I've only watched it once since it aired so I will need to go back and watch it sometime, however it makes me wonder what it might have been like had it been written and aired back when the series was at the height of it's relatively high success. I can't hep but wonder if it might have been even more sublime and a little but more daring.


Resigned as I am at the continued criticism that any Red Dwarf after series 6 gets, I must say that the idea that these episodes were inferior because of their place in the Red Dwarf production history, and that taking the same ep back to the "golden age" will magically make it batter, is at least new.

That said, imagine Lemons in series 6, where the clever and fun premise will take a back seat to this week's scheduled Space Corps Directive misquote and the Cat smelling something that makes his nose hairs vibrate in a funny metaphor... not to mention some very obvious observations about Lister being a slob and Rimmer being a coward... oh and put a monster in there somewhere, it after all has been a week since the last one.

Take them to the security kitchen!


Ignoring the 'golden age' mentality I think the episodes were better when it was Grant AND Naylor writing. I guess bouncing ideas of one another for characters you created will always produce better scenarios than writing alone or even with someone who didn't have a hand in the character creation.

It's a pitty Grant didn't want to be solely known for Red Dwarf, because considering the work he's done since, I think that Red Dwarf is all he's known for.

made you look


Personally I enjoyed RDX (and RD8 for that matter), so I don't think the newer ones were bad as some people seem to think. However, Lemons was one that I thought was a failure - it didn't feel very "Red Dwarf" but most of all it just wasn't very funny!


I thought Lemons was great. Easily my favorite from Season X.


But why was everyone speaking English? My disbelief suspenders were stretched to breaking point here, I'll need to get some new ones.


But why was everyone speaking English? My disbelief suspenders were stretched to breaking point here, I'll need to get some new ones.

And how was Jesus able to read a history book written in modern day English


