Help With a Song

Oh man this has been bugging me for too long. There's a song called Out There Tonight, but I don't remember what Garfield special it aired with. Anyone know?


nope. Was it from a special or one of the series' episodes?


I want to say special, but really it's been so long since I saw it played in that context I really wouldn't know. All I know is the song itself. I think I will upload the song with yousendit and post the link here so that you can download it and hear it for yourself. (If it let's me of course... sometimes yousendit is weird and doesn't always want to let me upload certain files. It's just been weird and random like that.)


Alright, yousendit worked, so here's the link to the song

Hopefully it'll sound familiar and you'll be able to figure out where it's from.


I can't reconize it either but I know it isn't from Here comes Garfield, Garfield on the Town, Garfield's Christmas, Garfield's Thanksgiving. Maybe it's from Garfield in the Rough. I don't have that show. Just a guess.


Hmm, I have In The Rough on DVD and I can elimate that one... unless do you know, have any of the specials been edited when they put them on DVD? I know sometimes with TV shows a few have been known to put the shorter syndicated versions on DVD. Just curious because I do actually have all the specials they released on DVD and I haven't heard it on there. Do you know if everything they've ever done has been put on DVD yet, I know they did a lot and so it's hard to keep track.
