Memo From a Cast Member
I visited a review site ( and saw a comment (dated March 9, 1999) that's worth resposting here:
Hi guys, I was the Alien Mutant Thing in the film, "Slave Girls From Beyond Infinity", and it was officialy supposed to be a, "Alien Zombie", but the production could only afford to get an old coat and a set of "Alien hands", and an "Alien" face mask, so if you look really hard at the feet when I surprise the two in the "Jungle", you will see a set of New Balance running shoes! Also working as; set painter, set builder, production assistant, sometimes boom man, the only person the studio (Empire) would trust to go down to the bank every week and pick up the cash to pay everyone and actually bring it back to the set (Ex-military), the person who told them how to set that really stupid booby trap that nails "Zed's" leg (And it was really stupid!), the person who told them NOT to load the real crossbows used on the set (Walls like paper, 150 pound pull crossbows, see the problem.), and the all around set slave (as most of us crew members/extras were on the set!), because we did everything! The production only had $90,000 to make the film and when it didn't get made for that (Only about 45 minutes of film ready for edit), we got $30,000 to do two weeks of re-shoot to complete the film. Yes $30,000 for EVERYTHING, and we not only did it, we came in under budget! Pretty scary huh! It was an interesting experience to say the least. But probably everyone in Hollywood has their own horror story of their own early films. I took many photos on my own during the production including the only full cast/crew shots as we wrapped, and had the pleasure of giving copies to several of the cast and crew members after we wrapped. I still have all of the originals stored away in fact (The photos, not the cast and crew members!). I have two credits on the film, one crew and one, "Alien Zombie", ahhh such is fame! Cordially, Fred TateIt was signed with an email address, tateewc at