Fallout 3 parody

The ambiguous fallacy. Selfless service or selfish business nature of society justification. When the narrator to the audience questions the means as a condition to the cause. The clause of what precedes when can always be considered by human means. However computer science logic can determine only if as materially implied. Such as an utilitarian ethic.

As pragmatic ethic that logical positivum supports the narrator to the audience assumes a normative ethic which should not change as conditional. The recognition of the means in which society does or can change as a cultural activity or evolutionary law. Circumstanial effects that the envirnoment reminds the audience of time and realist society. A militant stoic nature could support the selfless service. A strong reason or sense to duty may support the condtion.

Persons with access to an intelligent resource that can aid knowledge in judgement of which means can suit the best cause. They, the audience, are warned by conditional sense of the information as reason to knowledge. Both Fallout 3 and Robot Holocaust(1986) a computer is an enemy because of the prerecorded knowledge as utility only materially implied.

The hero in both stories must overcome the implied conditions to understand the balence of virtue to society and honor as a quality. What is a citizen, who are not citizens.

See Also. Drazdik Jr, Andrew. Philosophy in the Consideration for Logic. Self Published. 18th June 2014.

What is logic ? The study of the principles of reasoning, especially structure of propositions in content by analysis; methods as propositional calculi ; syntax or syntactical calculi. Analysis, or calculus, in general made specific from the utility of defining the means to the objective of logic. Analysis: the process of breaking up a concept (terms of a set), proposition (declarant statement), linguistic complex (syntax), or fact into its simple or ultimate constituents. The defined means of logic given such analysis as rules, a standard of methods. As a science, logic, standard methods are founded rules that which must be applied. The sense of those rules are then the mode (L. Modus) of logic. When the mode of logic, by the rule, is not refuted as a given proof of axiom the principle of logic is formed. By principle the analysis, or calculi, thus gives the science of logic its meaning.

Should the rules take affect on the empirical formal and informal and their conditions that such effects would question the A priori of the science? An ethical question of individual use, utility, of the science itself as the analytic. Not a question of its rules, or, principles such that John Pollack gives a definition of “Psychologism”:

Analytic statements are statements whose falsity is inconceivable. We cannot even imagine what it would be like for an analytic statement to be false. This suggests that analyticity has some-thing to do with human powers of imagination, and analytic statements accordingly express some sort of “laws of thought”. This is the psychologistic theory of analyticity. It gains credence from the fact that the source of our knowledge of analyticity is somehow within us rather than in the world around us.

To beg the question, the rules, as a “dogma” which affect the senses to explicitly influence the effects of our empirical conception of evidence. Should the dogma affect how, or why, or when empirical evidence is judged? Ethically a common goal of science by how, pragmatically to base principles that logical positivism has a sense of order from chaos a common objective of society, when empirical evidence is judged a respect for evidence A posteriori should be admitted to avert chaos. Thus rules are a necessary A priori knowledge as a science known as logic.

Works Cited:

“Analysis”, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. 1995 pg 22

“A priori”, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. 1995 pg 29-30

“Calculi”, College Dictionary. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1986. pg 219

“Logic”, College Dictionary. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1986. pg 702

Pollock, J. L. NY State Univ. at Buffalo Into. To Symbolic Logic. NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc. 1969 pg 231

Suggested Reading.

Allotropes of Oxygen. Wikipedia foudation. 2015

Electrochemical fluorination. Wikipedia foundation. 2015

Journal of The Electrochemical Society

Investor Protection: The development and growth of international securities require that minimum standards of investor protection be established and made applicable to issuers, broke] dealers, investment advisers and other securities professionals dealing with investors in international securities transactions. Investors participating in international securities transactions should be protected by registration and prospectus requirements. Although-such requirements may vary according to the type of transaction or sophistication of the investor, certain minimum standards should be established. Such standards would address disclosure, financial information prepared under commonly accepted accounting principles, auditing standards, auditor independence and other principles consistent with the protection of public investors. INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE SECURITIES Statement of the North American Securities Administrators Association Adopted, April 29.1989.

United Nations. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Stabilization of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases: Physical, Biological and Socio-economic Implications. Edited by John T. Houghton L. Gylvan Meira Filho David J. Griggs Kathy Maskell. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. February 1997

University of Waterloo. Bond Lengths and Energies. Univ. of Waterloo. internet 2015

Andrew Stephen Drazdik Jr

Freelance writer Allocine.fr


I don't get this bit you're doing. What's the joke?


The audience could ask about what fraternity I support, the government would ask based on expert opinion which fraternity I supported in college. They did have Tri Beta, which I didn't qualify. But fully supported right into The American Chemical Society, and then into The National Academy of Sciences.

Which in the absence of any opinion, modern cinema and the engineering of production work that maintains the production management and synopsis of characters for the director to negotiate with the producer of any work has some meaning and influence when the audience as the public may have an opinion.

As for the experts and myself as the public I recommend the public opinion of the National Academy of Sciences so that we, the American people, do not live in chaos or wasteland under the theme of Robot Holocaust or Fallout 3:

Title: Collections of Information Antipiracy Act Date: 10/23/1997
Session: 105th Congress (First Session) Witness(es): William A. Wulf

Credentials: President, National Academy of Engineering and Vice Chairman, National Research Council

Chamber: House, Committee: Committee on the Judiciary

Hearing on the "Collections of Information Antipiracy Act"

Statement of Wm. A. Wulf:

The Need for Access: Scientific and engineering research drives our nation's progress. Society uses the fruits of such research to expand the world's base of knowledge and applies that knowledge in myriad downstream applications to create new wealth and to enhance the public welfare.

...Progress in the creation and use of new knowledge for the national good depends both on the full and open availability of government and government funded data, and on fair and equitable availability of data from the private sector. By "full and open" we mean that data and information derived from publicly funded research are made available with as few restrictions as possible, on a nondiscriminatory basis, for no more than the cost of reproduction and dissemination. Fair and equitable availability of data from the private sector means that if commercial content providers receive enhanced protections in their databases, that the preferential terms of access to those data by researchers, educators, libraries, and other public interest users, firmly rooted in our Constitution and legal tradition, are retained.

Concerns about the Worldwide Trend to Impose Strong Economic and Legal Restrictions on the Conditions of Availability and Use of Data

From United States Congress, Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property
Committee on the Judiciary U.S. House of Representatives: Collections of Information Antipiracy Act. Statement of Wm. A. Wulf President National Academy of Engineering Washington: Oct 23, 1997

The National Academies, 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001:
Project Title: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change Through the Behavioral and Social Sciences


Major Unit: Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education

Sub Unit: Center for Economic, Governance, and International Studies

Subject/Focus Area: Behavioral and Social Sciences; Energy and Energy Conservation; Environment and Environmental Studies

Provide FEEDBACK on this project.

See Also.

Society for Risk Analysis
1313 Dolley Madison Blvd. Suite 402
McLean, VA 22101

Society for Risk Analysis: Specialty Group: Risk, Policy, and Law

U.S. National Archives Records Administration: records-mgmt/laws/. NARA 2015 web

Andrew Stephen Drazdik Jr
National Writers Union, UAW Local 1981/ AFL-CIO, ID 92743
member International Federation Journalists


When the information to the senses of the audience can not be made sense to the vast majority, at times within reason of ownership of that information and at the pleasure of the first person viewpoint who holds that information to be important or valuable. The form of their postulated view to have that audience accept their view is sometimes a satirical as collectively known by Wikipedia as:

Satire and irony in some cases have been regarded as the most effective source to understand a society, the oldest form of social study. They provide the keenest insights into a group's collective psyche, reveal its deepest values and tastes, and the society's structures of power. Some authors have regarded satire as superior to non-comic and non-artistic disciplines like history or anthropology. In a prominent example from Ancient Greece, philosopher Plato, when asked by a friend for a book to understand Athenian society, referred him to the plays of Aristophanes.

Historically, satire has satisfied the popular need to debunk and ridicule the leading figures in politics, economy, religion and other prominent realms of power. Satires confronts public discourse and the collective imaginary, playing as a public opinion counterweight to power (being political, economic, religious, symbolic, or otherwise), by challenging leaders and authorities. For instance, it forces administrations to clarify, amend or establish their policies. Satire's job is to expose problems and contradictions, and it's not obligated to solve them. Karl Kraus set in the history of satire a prominent example of a satirist role as cofronting public discourse.

The involved nature of computers that Bethesda softworks LLC has again given to the computer gaming audience seemingly from a world of fiction that given apocalyptic causes has taken given American way of life, or society into a new post contemporary view with underlying involved themes that subcultures existed in the past society based on survival methods and tactics.

Is the possible world of fiction realized? Not only within logical themes but in the remake of previous fictional concepts such as The Andromeda Strain (1969), by Michael Crichton and the realized governmental Department of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration by the assessment of Near Earth Objects and impact risks. (See. NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. NEO Program Site Manager: Paul Chodas. from internet 2014 http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/risk/)

Should other Departments of the United States government asses the involved usage of fiction to persuade faith based and mass media groups within the United States, such as the Central Intelligence Agency? Historically, political right and religious right groups have always threatened main stream society and the rights of the majority with concepts and methods that are too liberal to hold true to Constitutional liberties of what the great wars of Europe in the 19th century, Medieval Europe, and even ancient warfare states of the Persian Empire. Could computer generated modal logic for the vast majority be so diabolically tempting to the human senses of thought and reason, of course. Fiction with any evidence that a personal feeling as sensed and reasoned with other people of the common belief can always mislead what transcends the minority in the vast majority to form government. If control of the vast majority could be so easily given to only a few without the proper checks and balances of how reasonable the price of Constitutional liberties are valued by the human capital that surely never threatens our society.

See Also.

United States Intelligence Budget

Government Accountability Office and Technology Assessment,

GAO Special Investigations,

Works Cited from Wikipedia: Satire. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satire 2014

Rosenberg, Harold (1960), "Community, Values, Comedy", Commentary (The American Jewish Committee) 30: 155, "the oldest form of social study is comedy... If the comedian, from Aristophanes to Joyce, does not solve sociology's problem of "the participant observer", he does demonstrate his objectivity by capturing behavior in its most intimate aspects yet in its widest typicality. Comic irony sets whole cultures side by side in a multiple exposure (e.g., Don Quixote, Ulysses), causing valuation to spring out of the recital of facts alone, in contrast to the hidden editorializing of tongue-in-cheek ideologists."

Deloria, Vine (1969), "Indian humor", Custer Died For Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto, p. 146, "Irony and satire provide much keener insights into a group's collective psyche and values than do years of [conventional] research" as quoted in Ryan, Allan J, The trickster shift: humour and irony in contemporary native art, p. 9

Nash, Roderick Frazier (1970), "21. The New Humor", The Call of the Wild: 1900–1916, p. 203, "Humor is one of the best indicators of popular thought. To ask what strikes a period as funny is to probe its deepest values and tastes."
Babcock, Barbara A (1984), "Arrange Me Into Disorder: Fragments and Reflections on Ritual Clowning", in MacAloon, Rite, Drama, Festival, Spectacle. Also collected as Babcock, Barbara A Grimes (1996), Ronald, L, ed., Readings in ritual studies, p. 5, "Harold Rosenberg has asserted that sociology needs to bring comedy into the foreground, including "an awareness of the comedy of sociology with its disguises", and, like Burke and Duncan, he has argued that comedy provides "the radical effect of self- knowledge which the anthropological bias excludes."

Coppola, Jo (1958), The Realist (1), "Good comedy is social criticism—although you might find that hard to believe if all you ever saw were some of the so-called clowns of videoland.... Comedy is dying today because criticism is on its deathbed... because telecasters, frightened by the threats and pressure of sponsors, blacklists and viewers, helped introduce conformity to this age... In such a climate, comedy cannot flourish. For comedy is, after all, a look at ourselves, not as we pretend to be when we look in the mirror of our imagination, but as we really are. Look at the comedy of any age and you will know volumes about that period and its people which neither historian nor anthropologist can tell you."
Willi, Andreas (2003), The Languages of Aristophanes: Aspects of Linguistic Variation in Classical Attic Greek, Oxford University Press, pp. 1–2
Ehrenberg, Victor (1962), The people of Aristophanes: a sociology of old Attic comedy, p. 39

Bevere, Antonio and Cerri, Augusto (2006) Il Diritto di informazione e i diritti della persona pp.265-6 quotation:

nella storia della nostra cultura, la satira ha realizzato il bisogno popolare di irridere e dissacrare il gotha politico ed economico, le cui reazioni punitive non sono certo state condizionate da critiche estetiche, ma dalla tolleranza o intolleranza caratterizzanti in quel momento storico la società e i suoi governanti. (...) la reale esistenza della satira in una società deriva, (...) dal margine di tolleranza espresso dai poteri punitivi dello Stato.

Amy Wiese Forbes (2010) The Satiric Decade: Satire and the Rise of Republicanism in France, 1830-1840 p.xv, quotation:

a critical public discourse (...) Satire rose the daunting question of what role public opinion would play in government. (...) satirists criticized government activities, exposed ambiguities, and forced administrators to clarify or establish policies. Not surprisingly, heated public controversy surrounded satiric commentary, resulting in an outright ban on political satire in 1835 (...) Government officials cracked down on their humorous public criticism that challenged state authority through both its form and content. Satire had been a political resource in France for a long time, but the anxious political context of the July Monarchy had unlocked its political power.

Satire also taught lessons in democracy. It fit into the July Monarchy's tense political context as a voice in favor of public political debate. Satiric expression took place in the public sphere and spoke from a position of public opinion-that is, from a position of the nations expressing a political voice and making claims on its government representatives and leadership. Beyond mere entertainment, satire's humor appealed to and exercised public opinion, drawing audiences into new practices of representative government.

Knight, Charles A. (2004) Literature of Satire p.254

Andrew Drazdik Jr
National Writers Union UAW Local 1981/ AFL-CIO, ID 92743
International Federation Journalists
