Used Cars is a little-known comedic gem, written and directed by the same guys who did 1941 and Back to the Future. I cannot resist watching at least part of Used Cars, whenever it is on cable.
When Kurt Russell is trying to sell a car to couples of various ethnicities, he drops a 10 dollar bill on the ground and pretends he finds it and gives it to the customers, and then he changes his name and accent based on whether they are black, mexican, irish, polish....literally cracks me up every time.
Rudy: What's your name?
Customer: Stanley Dewalski.
Rudy: What a coincidence! Rudy Polanski.
Rudy: Morning! Hi, there, Mr and Mrs...?
Customer: O'hara
Rudy: Rudy O' are ya?
Rudy: Hi, there, Mr and Mrs...?
Customer: Lopez, señor.
Rudy: Rudy Garcia...take a look at this CH-evy, man. I just noticed something else. Mrs Lopez, do you realize - that your hair matches the color of these tires?
Rudy: Hi, there, Mr and Mrs...?
Customer: Jackson.
Rudy: Hey, Rudy Washington Carver. You checking out this Cadillac?
However, I must disagree about Raising Arizona. Your view might be skewed because you think it's not 'realistic', but geez Louise, it's a Coen brothers movie, I think realism is pretty low on their totem pole of importance. This does not make it any less funnier to me, and although it wasn't a massive hit movie, it made pretty good coin for the time, and has remained a cult favorite for many people including myelf.