is this okay for my kid?
he's almost 7, just wondering if he should be allowed to see this movie
sharehe's almost 7, just wondering if he should be allowed to see this movie
shareYou are joking, right?
Question: Did you ever hurt yourself to make somebody sorry?
Putrefying corpses. Necrophilia. Bathing in animal innards. Everything one needs for a night of family entertainment.
shareyeah sure, id say go for it :D
shareTed Bundy watched it when he was 7 and he turned out ok.
"Exterminate all rational thought..."
For *beep* sake don't show it to a *beep* 7 year old, you dipstick.
'And so as the caterpillar becomes the butterfly, so you shall become... derelicte!'
He's right, you know. You should really wait until your kid's at least ten before you show him this one...
"Exterminate all rational thought..."
shareDon't feed the trolls. I see comments like this on every brutal film. Would someone with the username "horrowshowmovie" really be asking that question?
smoke weed everyday.
That's not funny. Don't even joke about that.
I have half a mind to report you to child protection services for even considering that.
"Negative, I am a meat popsicle"
Go ahead and call child protective services and tell them "horrorshowmovie" is asking if it's okay to show Nekromantik to his kid. You must really only have half a mind.
My Vote History
Seriously though, that's not cool. I have 2 kids and would not even joke about showing them a movie like this. And before you start in, yes, I do have a sense of humor, a very healthy one. But this movie is just wrong on so many levels. I literally burned my copy in the fireplace after 1 viewing.
If the OP was being serious then they need serious help...
shareI am very sorry to hear that people like you reproduce, and not once but twice.
Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
Why did you buy a copy of Nekromanrik? lol, I mean that's the brain scratcher here.