We keep odd hours..
My memory of Near Dark was patchy before our reunion last night..
There are silly and glaring lapses of logic, for instance during the final act they were caught out by the Sun, surely a group of ancient vampires would have been well versed in the art of preparation and made sure that their vehicle was blacked out?
I understand that it is a great plot device and sets up a few exhilarating sequences but, just like the knife that befriends Jesse it sticks in the throat some what. Additionally I had an issue with the pacing during the second act and the music didn't suit every scene.
Bill Paxton steals the show without a shadow of a doubt, I loved his portrayal of Severen, he absolutely nails every scene. The bar sequence is utterly gruesome.
Despite my grievances Near Dark holds up well after thirty years.
It's all a deep end.