MovieChat Forums > The Monster Squad (1987) Discussion > Just read a supposed 'contender draft' f...

Just read a supposed 'contender draft' for the remake...

... written by a local director/writer named Stephen Lange. Lange is part of a production troupe called "The Beta Society" that made a horror movie entitled "Junkbucket" a couple years ago. It was a big deal up here in Seattle, but I don't think it made a dent anywhere else.

Anyway, according to the Northwest Film Forum, Lange is one of the writers who's in the running for the remake. Someone (I'll assume Lange himself) posted it on their Yahoo group. Filedropper link (In Final Draft format):

It's... interesting. The draft date is 2008, so I have no idea if this is something Lange wrote and is revising, or if it's just a fan job. If it IS legit, then Platinum Dunes is apparently looking to take the remake in a very different direction.

The Good:
-Same basic setup: kids versus monsters. Not trying to reinvent the wheel.
-The gore, excessive swearing and violence looks like a hard R.
-There's some interesting changes to the monsters themselves, and the mythology around them.
-Some really intense action sequences, as well as a lot of nods to the original flick.

The Bad:
-Parts of this draft are trying WAY too hard to be Kevin Smith lite. The self-referencing is cute, but very "1996."
-No Frankenstein, no Gillman. Maybe due to Universal's legal hurdles?
-There's some very BIG gaps in the story's logic that makes this feel like a half-baked draft. Again, if it is legit, then I hope that Platinum Dunes has someone else working to tighten it up.


I like the Hard-R aspect... could be cool! I feel that if you are going to remake something, take it in a different direction.


I completely agree. While I still think some parts of the script are forced and WAY too heavy on the trash talking between the kids (Very "Apatow"-esque), I like a lot of the changes. There's no point in trying to recapture the charm of the 1987 movie, so making it a raunchy and bloody horror comedy is the only justification for a remake IMHO.

Also, I wrote el mayimbe at Latino Review, and he says that this is a legit draft. I hope to hear more about it soon.


FYI, Ryan Rotten at Shock til you drop says that Platinum Dunes says denies that any writer has been chosen at this time. I think either LR got their facts mixed up or they know something they aren't supposed to.

Don't eat the spongy animal pills!


I hope it's more like Trick 'r Treat and less like Percy Jackson & the Olympians. Too bad no Gillman :(
"You've Changed Things.....Forever" - Heath Ledger


I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to fit a Mer-man into an actual horror film that wasn't set in a swamp. I do like that the brides are in this script tho.


Well he came up from the sewer in the original at the end, that's a possibility.
"You've Changed Things.....Forever" - Heath Ledger



If I had to put money on it then I would agree with the TC. Universal is making new versions of the Creature from the Black Lagoon and Frankenstein, so maybe Platinum Dunes is aiming for a script that won't get them sued. I think the mummy not being the traditional Egyptian/Imhotep/Brenden Frasier mummy is another hint that this is the case.

Also, Dracula has another name entirely in this script. The writer uses one of Vlad Tepes other names, calling him "Kaziglu Bey". The werewolf is pretty much the same as in the original though. I love that the "thank you" line was left in. I also couldn't help seeing Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite while I was reading it, they should just recast him to play the role again. He actually has some lines in the remake.


I don't see nothing. When I got to the link, it just goes to the main site.

Whats up was it deleted, or do you need to sign up to look at it?

Can someone either put up another link to it or pm it to me? Thanks.

"Everybody's Gotta Have A Dream" - DJay From Hustle & Flow


Looks like it's no longer up? But it also looks like it WAS legit if what Fuller is saying in this article is accurate.


Wow, so like no one has this supposed script for this?

"Everybody's Gotta Have A Dream" - DJay From Hustle & Flow


The script that I posted wasn't written by the two guys who actually got the job, so I think it's safe to say that it was just a spec draft.

Though the fact that the writers of "Bring it On (Again)" are now holding down the court on this thing doesn't exactly fill me with much more enthusiasm than the other alleged author did.



Who were the monsters then? (If you dont want to spoil then just tell me under spoilers)

makes me really curious as to who the monsters are this time around.

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
