7.0 IMDb rating

Can we try and get this up a bit? Come on people! It deserves better!!

Then again this is IMDb lol... Where people make multiple accounts so they can spread hatred and vote down or up movies, but eh what do I know.

I just really love this movie and if it hits 6.9 I will be really frustrated for some strange reason.

VOTE TMS UP!! Cheers<!!>

I remember growing up magic in movies my imagination on fire I can still see some of that magic.



7 is great. I rated 8.

I always pay attention to the number of users. Over 14000 users evaluated this movie. And still it gets a 7. That's excellent.

Over 14000 users...

Sorry my bad english, by the way.


At the moment it is at 7.2, which is the highest I have ever seen it.


Indeed, it was going down, but has gone up .2 or so since I posted this.

Love this movie.

I remember growing up magic in movies my imagination on fire I can still see some of that magic.


I think 7 is about right for this film. It's the rating I gave it. I wouldn't say it's one of my favorite films but it's definitely worth watching if you're a fan of classic horror films.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!
