I was surprised to find out he was only 30 in this movie. I get that Riggs is supposed to be in his later 30s - but even still, Gibson in this film (and other movies/appearance he did around this time) appears to be a good bit older than a guy in his early 30s. Did he ever fib about his age while he was getting started in appearing in movies?
Men looked more mature back then in general. And they also were more mature. You know, like men.
Men today are confused unisex ballerinas that wear skin tight jeans and make up.
You know, why don't you just contribute for a change?
Why do you never share your actual opinions and thoughts, and perhaps support these with some sort of evidence or data? It could make for interesting discussions.
Instead, all you do is basically trolling and baiting for arguments... why?
You jump on every post that "treats women badly" to defend them like you're morally superior, but at the same time, you act like a desperate class clown who's lashing out because no one takes him serious.
Why is the latter how you wish how to be perceived by others, instead of someone who contributes with facts, logic, data or at least, his honest opinion without the usual trolling content? I kinda expected more from you.
Actually I just saw something online on Quora, I think, addressing that exact point, i.e., why people in old photographs looks so much older than people the same age today.
Has to do with fashion, but also attitude.
Also calls to mind some article comparing Elizabeth Taylor who seemed to regal and grown-up at age 21 versus Sandra Bullock who was "trying to find her inner child" at age 33.
Truth be told, of course, it's an unfair comparison -- they're just different people, period. But the differences can be striking. I'm reminded lastly of a Roger Ebert review citing a generalization he once heard: "European films are about grownups, and American films are about adolescents."
Of course they are different people, but I am certain there's more to that.
People are also a product of their time - and time is ultimately a product of its people.
"Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times." - Hopf
Men today are significantly less manly than, say, 50 years ago. The same is true for women.
It's obvious and all it needs is living in western society today to see it.
That is, if one does not pretend to not see it, like some here are.
Almost 80 years ago, 17 year olds stormed the beaches of Normandy to save the world.
Today, 17 year olds need safe spaces, because words do hurt.
You dropped an important keyword. Attitude.
Men today do not act like men anymore.
Women do not act like women anymore.
And with these attitudes, they of course will subconsciously not be perceived as either very manly or feminine.
Considering that no words get through to you regardless of how reasonable, I'll just do what everyone on this board should do - and throw you on the ignore list.
It's reserved for the hopeless cases that are either unwilling or unable to communicate on a mature level. Welcome.