So who was this Shark

i mean Jaws was getting revenge, but what was it mommy of Jaws 1 , a Shark Rights advocate, how was Jaws 4 held responsible for Daddy brody's heart attack, colour me confused.


The revenge part actually refers to a voodoo dr. who has problems with mike brody. This was all deleted from the film, but can be read about in Hank Searls novelization,which you can get cheap on ebay.


It might have been more interesting if they had kept that part in. Probably not, but it certainly couldn't have been worse.

This film was too gloomy from the get go and giving such a substantial part to Lorraine Gary was a mistake. She seems to be best taken in small doses.

Part 3 was much more fun before it descended into a special effects mess.

Very good. But brick not hit back!
