MovieChat Forums > Jaws: The Revenge (1987) Discussion > Still liked this much better than Jaws I...

Still liked this much better than Jaws III

to be honest....

"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"


I have to agree. 3-D was sunk from the get-go by its insultingly bad sfx. I saw it in its theatrical 3-D release, and on DVD - both versions suck. At least Revenge has these virtues:

It takes place in Amity and re-introduces Jaws' original Amity characters such as Mrs. Taft and Mrs. Kintner; it features a reasonable facsimile of the Brody house and the surviving Brodys (soon to be deleted by one member); a truly rousing musical score by Michael Small; a touching funeral scene featuring Small's elegaic scoring; another touching scene in flashback from the Spielberg film recalling Scheider's parenting warmth - and some other nice touches. And while its shark may be fakey, it looks state-of-the-art in contrast to 3-D's cartoonish Great White.


I just watched on Blu Ray yesterday JAWS 3D and JAWS THE REVENGE and i thought that Sargent's movie was better...ok it's not really a good movie but at least it has nice widescreen cinematography and locations, some nice looking underwater scenes (i liked the little chase in the boat between the shark and Brody's son) two or three quite effective shark scenes (the opening, the chase scene and the shark killing the girl on the "banana" boat).
I quite liked the casting and the characterization was a shark movie it's mostly uneffective (the film isn't scary or suspensful, and the ending is just non sensical) but as an exotic, family, character driven movie it's enjoyable enough.
Didn't like at all though JAWS 3D, its flat direction, cinematography, uninvolving characters and weak acting...the best sequel is JAWS 2, pretty good.


I agree. Part 3 is the worst of the series. I really enjoy Jaws: The Revenge.


Yeah "3" destroyed its main pillar, i.e., the sfx - I mean, it advertised itself as an sfx spectacular in the very title!

If it had been made in a regular filming style like all the others, it may have marginally been a better movie. Had they nixed the 3-D fx and put their budget and effort into a convincing new giant mother shark, possibly they could have somewhat saved this film.


Jaws 3 sucks.

2 is legit decent and 4 is entertaining in spite of how stupid it is. 3 is just a slog to get through. I just don't understand how you can take Jaws breaking into Sea World and somehow make it boring.

"He makes me laugh, he'a always humping and pointing at Reese Witherspoon." - rebschucks


Agreed, 3 was an abysmal piece of sh!t.


I agree, I like Jaws 3 but its the most cartoonish one out of the four films.
