For such a good film,

It has a really crappy movie poster.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy this movie, but even by 1987 standards the advertising poster is just bad.

I can only hope that the guy who looked at that design and said "Yep, this is the way we should advertise our movie. Bad, cheap pencil artwork." got his sorry butt fired.

Animal cruelty is wrong. Unless it results in a bacon double cheese burger.




Which one?

This one?:


Or this?: 098.jpg

All awesome posters if you ask me haha.

Hang on Barf, we're gonna make Space Tracks!


Yes, the original poster (no pun intended) is being a bit uninformative and vague, WHICH poster do you mean, this movie had multiple ones?

By the way, those poster links do not work.

With a quick search, I can immediately find several completely different ones.

So, which one were y.. never mind, that post is 6 years old, we're never going to get this mystery solved.

To describe these different posters:

01) The orange-blue-colored one with 'sparkly explosion' on the left side, with Tuck's face as the big centerpiece, with Jack inside a shopping cart on the left, with the car, truck, pod, the red-haired woman, Lydia, the old guy, Igoe, Igoe's podsuit, and a big bunch of lab people wearing orange goggles on top left, almost all fitting in a 'circle' in the middle, lots of blue on the right side, and of course our brave doctor on a bicycle as a tiny guy on the bottom of the circle (just escaping the circle's bounds)

02) The ridiculously over-sized pod JUMPS out of Jack's mouth, while Jack looks horrified. You can see Tuck's face inside the cartoonish-looking pod. This is basically all there is to this poster. Cyan-ish background with no detail.

03) Thumb and a finger hold a very tiny pod inbetween them, almost like starting to gently squeeze the pod. Tuck is standing beside the pod, holding a helmet or something (hard to see). There is a soft glow behind Tuck and the Pod.

04) Photo of Jack having a 'bewildered, amused, comical' look on his face (Martin Short is so good at this sort of thing), Tuck's face is on the bottom left, just as he's being miniaturized (you can see the rays and light effects), while Lydia's face is on the right side, a bit smaller. There's a glowing outline around Jack's body, and some hard-to-identify structure on the left side of Tuck's face.

05) The Tuck's 'starting to be miniaturized'-face is big in the middle, in front of it, Jack seemingly floats around with his hands in a 'bear-imitation-like' pose, and tiny 'bad guys' holding on to his legs (for some reason). Igoe is on the right side, pointing with his finger cun at the viewer, Lydia and Tuck are on the left side as faces, some kind of suited figure is seen sitting in a position where he seems to be ready to kick something above Igoe, the pod is seen on bottom left, and the background is mostly black, except for the big, 'explosive'-looking glowing bursts of radiation behind Jack and on the upper portion of the poster.

06) Tuck is holding the tiny pod in his giant hand that is the biggest thing in the poster, in the middle of it, and looking down on the pod, smiling. Jack and Lydia are behind him, Jack has a look of fear and wonder in his face, while Lydia is doing a photoshoot-type smile to the camera. You can see Igoe climbing into his suit-pod on the left with some bubbles rising, and you can see the truck/car-scene depicted on the right as a small image. There are two small photos from the movie on both sides of the 'Innerspace' logo on the bottom.

I also found a poster with Meg Ryan and Martin Short just posing for the camera, but that might not be an official poster.

All of those posters are pretty great in my opinion, so I don't get the original poster at all - also, WHICH of these six (or seven) did the original poster mean??


the "palm of the hand" one looks familiar.
did they predict Meg's duck lips??


It's an 80's movie gem
