Did anyone else think that Kevin was gay? (serious question)
I just finished watching this movie, and the entire time, I seriously thought Kevin was supposed to be gay, but hadn't come out of the closet yet. During the scene where Max is sitting at the lunch table with those two girls, Kevin walks up and blatantly winks at Max. I assumed that Kevin had a crush on Max because he thought that Max was also gay (there was that other scene at the beginning where Max was in the classroom where the teacher was talking about heterosexuals and homosexuals, and then Max accidentally raises his hand and makes it seem like he is indicating that he is a homosexual). So, I thought that Kevin thought Max was gay, and thus was trying to give him subtle hints......Also, there was that other scene where Max and Kevin were talking outside, and then Kevin was concerned about what Ryan had said to Max about him. I believe he said something like "What has she said about me?"
Did anyone else notice and interpret these scenes the same way that I did? I honestly thought that there would be some sort of reveal at the end where Kevin tried to hit on Max.....I guess I just totally misinterpreted his character though!
Welcome to Fright Night....for real.