My overall feeling about most re-makes is this: re-makes=lack of creativity.(most times.Cape Fear,for example proves there are exceptions to that rule.So please spare me the listing of great re-makes.)Because no matter how you look at it,the re-make already had a trail blazed for it.Even the best re-makes/re-inventions took a torch that was passed to it and ran.That's why they are so prevalent.Built-in audiences and pre-existing identifications help in the re-make's conception,production&marketing.And I also get that there really are no original ideas left in Hollywood and that everything is somehow based on something else,but c'mon.The remake flood that has washed over movies the last 20 years wouldn't be as devastating,but not for one thing:MOST RE-MAKES SUCK!And so will the Hidden remake.The Hidden was a cool B-movie flick made at a time when action movies were just beginning to become money makers,but before they became blockbusters.Since it didn't have a huge budget,it sticks to the basics:Guns,cops,serial killers,aliens,heavy metal,car chases,strippers and buddy pictures.The lower production values seem to have made the Hidden a tighter action flick.But Jack Sholder&co.managed to make a kick-ass stew that never tries to become too complicated,nor takes itself too seriously.Some of the movie's charm is how it seems to be juggling many themeatic balls all at once.And it's a fun ride.All these things are connected to the time it was made,the late 80's.Even the casting of Michael Nouri and Kyle Mcclachlin is so 80's.Their performances are very good.Hardass,married,frustrated,non-believing cop Nouri.Etherial,sensitive,confused,determined alien cop in disguise McClachlan.Hollywood will slick it up,then that's all she wrote.I'm glad I have my dvd of the original It still is great!