Gets dragged down by switching from pop music to cheesy synthesizers
Why does this movie abruptly switch from pop music to cheesy syntheziser 'scary music' in the middle?
I found this to be quite jarring and inappropriate. I couldn't get into the movie when they were playing those cheesy synth cues all the time because it's just too corny and distracting. It breaks the serious context and immersion in the movie. The first 1/4 (or however long it was) when they had no cheesy synth cues (unless I heard things wrong...) and pop music instead was much better. They also date the movie a lot, but that's secondary to how cheesy and immersion-breaking they are.
I feel that they harmed the quality of this movie quite a bit with that bad decision to switch to cheesy synth cues. Which is a darn shame, because it might have been a true classic without them.