MovieChat Forums > The Hidden (1987) Discussion > First time LAPD didn't have trigger fing...

First time LAPD didn't have trigger fingers?

It is really hard to believe in the final sequence that the LA Police could restrain not letting loose with their guns. They aren't known for that much self-control.

But of course this is just a movie and Kyle is white and one of the stars so I guess we have to allow for some fantasy to leak in.

How they would have let a cop killer (at least that's how he would be perceived by the rank and file of the police there) just go free is beyond me though. You'd think his hospital room would have been under extreme guard. They'd want to make sure he stayed alive and healthy until they could fry him in the electric chair.

So there wouldn't have been much way he could have just up and left his room and walked down the hall like that. Kind of ruins the ending though unless he can.


They might have seen the alien thing that came out of the senator and cut him some slack. That or him being totally shot and the doctor seeing no chance of him living. The one left in charge, probably Flynn would not entertain any supernatural stuff so if the doctor said to him they both would die then he will not waste any personal on him either way.


I'm not sure why you think Kyle's character is a cop killer... Seems like plenty of people involved can testify that Masterson and Willis were out of control and needed to be stopped. Those are the only two cops whose deaths he's involved with -- and Willis is the only he one he actively shot at.

As for the politician... I doubt the police care if he cooked a politician, particularly one who has giant slug things coming out of his mouth...

If you're talking about the scene as he's heading toward the politician, those would mostly be secret service types. And he doesn't kill any of them to get to the politician.

And what's that crack about the actor being white about???

Yep, you're totally wrong.


"It is really hard to believe in the final sequence that the LA Police could restrain not letting loose with their guns. They aren't known for that much self-control. "

Well, at least they really let loose near the beginning - shooting a man with shotguns without even informing him of anything, just because he SMILES.
