And odd mistake or need for an explanation
Ok, so we see Claudia's character murder the sleazy guy by having sex with him (oddly with his top on, without anyone touching her breasts during the whole act? Otherwise, why the need to fondle with them right after, as if it is the first time the criminal realizes now he/she/it has breasts?).
It looks to me like this:
1) First they just have sex, and both seem to enjoy it
2) Then gradually, the sex changes into 'murder', and only one party enjoys it
3) The 'murder' becomes brutal and violent, and the man screams now out of pain
4) The woman throws the man out of the car (or lowers him down gently, whatever)
Now, the COPS explain this as:
".. a stripper screws some guy to death.."
Uh, excuse me? Did she actually _SCREW_ him to death? Is THAT how it happened? I thought she CLAWED him to death or something.
But ok, let's say it's true and the woman 'screwed' him to death. How does a woman 'screw' a young, healthy (well, more or less) man to death?
How does that work? An old man with a pacemaker I can understand, but a young man, like that?
And how does the cop so quickly know this? What if he was poisoned while having sex, or something? How can he be 100% sure there was nothing like that involved?
In any case, so did the woman actually just CLAMP to the man's penis so hard that it ripped off and the man died of blood loss or something? Wouldn't she have a partial penis inside her vagina now? Why wouldn't he/she/it remove it immediately? (I can't imagine that being comfortable, but then again, I hear women use tampons as well, so who knows)
I don't know, there's something really weird about all that, that begs for an explanation. The cop takes it as some kind of natural occurrence, that a woman can just screw a young guy to death. But HOW? That's never explained.