What.. are there really people that still don't understand the true history of this wretched planet (let alone others), and to whom levitation is some kind of mystery? Have you not read any of the scriptures that describe people levitating, messiahs walking on water, and so on? Even the possibly most famous cosmic messenger around two thousand Earth years ago, walked on water, and this has been talked about as a normal event even by the mundane and soulless churches of the current eras.
Levitation is an inevitable step in the evolution of any group of souls that go through the Cosmic Journey of separating from the All-Father and eventually join back to the Cosmic Flow. Why would levitation be the thing you start wondering about and questioning, amids the Stellar Wonders we not only are, but constantly fly through? Think about just the SIZE of the Universe (if you have trouble doing this, find the 'Tribal people react to the size of the Universe' (and don't mind all the typical Terran propaganda near the beginning)), let alone the interdimensional, living, intelligent nature of it.
Think about mushroom-induced trips, OOBEs, Extra-Terrestrial visitations, Nikola Tesla's findings, the so-called 'UFO phenomenon' that has proven all kinds of levitation-oriented (but even more interesting) things to be not only possible, but everyday existence..
How can you focus on one word so much in the middle of all that's magical about reality and existence? Do you live in a grey box without windows? Are you a prisoner or some kind of underground-dwelling Morlock? Geez... how does a word like 'levitation' become some kind of obstacle for your thinking? Release and open your mind to accept and understand what the Universe REALLY is, then nothing so mundane as levitation will astonish you that much!
It's 2022, it's time to stop clinging to outdated, archaic, flat worldview and see the Universe as the miracle that it is! Maybe you have to start from 'maglev', but do it.