Questions on rank
I've never understood about how rank and personnel in different branches of the service work together at Armed Forces Radio.
Cronauer, being an airman, is clearly in the Air Force. But Garlick, the private, is apparently in the Army. Sgt. Major Dickerson, the General, and the Lieutenant seemingly are also.
Cronauer, at one point, makes a remark about getting up early because "it's the army, I have to". Later, he speaks of the possibility of being sent into the field with a rifle and coming home in a box. I don't understand how that can be since, as noted above, he is an USAF airman.
Since there are personnel from all the different branches at AFR, how is it established who is in authority? Does one branch predominate? In the movie, it appears that most at AFR are in the Army (except for Cronauer). Is this how it is in the actual AFR?
Also, in real life, do officers any in branch of the U.S. military, under ordinary circumstances, have authority of any kind over NCOs in the OTHER branches? For example, if an Army private encounters an admiral in the Navy, can the admiral give the private orders, discipline him, etc.? Would the private be obligated to do what the admiral tells him? Does he have to address him in a certain way?
I apologize if these questions sound stupid. I have never been in the service, and have no personal experience with military matters.
I hope that someone here will be kind enough to assist me with some info on this area.
Thanks, and have a great day.