May I vomit?

This film is disgusting and an insult to vietnamese people. The haughtiness of the people is unbelievable and Robin William's character wasn't likable at all.

The only thing criticised in this movie was the way the war was lead, not that it took place.

If I would be facing such ignorance, I would be tempted to do what Tuan did, the only understandable and likable character in the entire movie!


Whoa... Kim Jong-Il posts on IMDb....


i take it you are vietnamese? of just a hater of movies that always portray wars from the wrong standpoint/point of view?


i agree that the movie dealt with the vietnamese characters really condescendingly. and i definitely dont think you have to be vietnamese to feel that way (i'm a WASP female, not that it should matter).
particularly when robin williams first gets to saigon, there's a lot of racist dialogue (in the jeep with forest whittaker "stop for the dragon lady with an amazing body. oh wait, there she is again")
that said, i really liked the movie so...


Compared to other movies I actually think GMVN portrayed Vietnamese in better light than most - take Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, etc. for example. The story told of Tuan, Trinh and their family was one that showed the human side of the Vietnamese, and I'm grateful for it.

I really like the movie also...but having been a part of the movie, I'm biased. :-)

Tom Tran


Do you mean to tell me that American servicemen stationed in Vietnam during the war there spoke in derogatory terms about Vietnamese people? Well, I never would have expected that.

Ok, now that we've all returned from PC Fairyland lets take a look at what was what. These are characters set in a different time, and a hostile environment not of their own making, if they referred to other characters in the movies in any certain way that you didn't like...tough sh!t, don't watch it.

TomT makes an excellent point about how they show the family of Tuan and his sister. People who had to live with a war on their doorstep and still deal with everyday life. Williams character actually gained some insight into their lives and culture that most servicemen would not have been privy to.

And to the OP who said he understood Tuan, great, wonderful, yeah terrorist attacks are always a great way to effect social and political change, just ask any of the countless dead men, women and children in Israel & Lebanon (PLO, Hamas), Northern Ireland(IRA), Spain(Basque Seperatist), South Africa (ANC), Sri Lanka (Tamil Tigers), New York (Al Queda),etc., etc., fkn moron.

"I'd resent that if I were sober."
Lt. Col Henry Blake


yeah, kinda of a dumb movie..


You are correct about that and then there is also a Michael J. Fox film that he did about Vietnam as well that I remember seeing. I mean there were points that this movie was trying to point out about what happened in Vietnam.

My father served over there and he told me that you had to be very careful because like a shoe shinning boy would have a shoe shinning kit rigged to blow up if an American soldier went to have his shoe shinned. They tried to make this movie as real as they possibly could and it was very good to watch too.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


You're not exactly...intelligent, are you?


hey, Zoolannders a dumb movie. This movies great!

This is my Life of Bloody Madness


Im not saying this movie is a masterpiece or anything, but I thought this movie portrayed the attitude of our soldiers pretty realistically. Why are people so sensitive nowadays? How was Robin Williams not likeable? Because he made racial comments? He made offensive comments about a lot of things on the radio as well. He was the only one that defended the Vietnamese kid when it came down to it. If anything it made him more human and added depth to have made funny remarks about the people of Vietnam.

Im Viet too


Some people just love being outraged.


Yes poster, please vomit, away from me!

Guess what, we don't live in a PC world, and soldiers were not pc during any war. Am I anti-soldier? absolutely not, my family is a military family. I am not excusing anyone, but don't complain when military movies are blunt or say things you don't like. We don't live in fantasy land, they're portraying how things were, even if just a little bit.
