MovieChat Forums > Good Morning, Vietnam (1988) Discussion > Will the real Cronauer please stand up

Will the real Cronauer please stand up

I saw and heard the real Adrian Cronauer on Bill Mahr's Politically Correct show. Expecting to find a cool, creative, progressive guy, Cronauer presented as a far right reactionary. Did he evolve from the former to the latter or is the movie taking an unusual amount of poetic license?


This has been brought up a number of times on this board. The following is my response to a previous post concerning the REAL Cronauer vs. the film version:

The movie presents a VERY highly fictionalized version of the real life Adrian Cronauer and his experiences as an Armed Forces DJ (with heavy doses of ad-libbing from Robin Williams).

For example, in real life, Cronauer DID incorporate elements into his radio broadcasts which were, by military standards, considered innovative for that time (e.g. running characters, different voices, etc.). However, his style was EXTREMELY mild compared to Williams' depiction (In fact, Cronauer once said that movie audiences would probably have been BORED by his real life broadcasts.)!

Also, contrary to the film, Cronauer was NEVER in conflict with the military authorities over his broadcasts. Mostly the higher-ups were indifferent to them. If they didn't want something to go out over the air (and they certainly wouldn't have allowed the vulgarities, mocking of authority figures, etc. that's shown in the film), it would have simply not gone out.

In an interview, when he was asked (as he often is) about how close the movie was to reality, Cronauer remarked, "Anyone who has spent any time in the military at all, knows that if I had done half of the things that Robin Williams did in the movie, I would still be in Leavenworth.".

The real life Adrian Cronauer has indeed stated that he's a lifelong, "card carrying" Republican. But I'm sure that he accepts the movie (including Robin Williams' "Cronauer") for what it is, an entertaining work of fiction, and nothing more.

Also, consider this. The movie Cronauer not only makes fun of Nixon but also jokes about LBJ and his daughters (e.g. the "Linda Dog" and "Highway Beautification" jokes), religion (e.g. "Pope on a rope" joke), pop culture figures (everyone from Elvis to Gomer Pyle), as well as gay and ethnic sterotypes (e.g. "Mr. Leo" and "Roosevelt E. Roosevelt").

As depicted in the film, Cronauer is neither Democrat nor Republican nor anything else. He holds to a "nothing is sacred" view of life. An "equal opportunity offender", if you will.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, and have a great day.



I'd love to see what the original script as penned by Cronauer looked like.


So very true about some of the things that Robin Williams did in this film would have landed him in Ft. Leavenworth which is not country club at all.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!



COOL To hear.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Sh*t, why didn't they just make a whole new movie out of it, if that was the case? If you change every part of a story to where they're only vaguely similar, then it ceases to be the same story!


I heard that he did say "Good Morning Vietnam" on the air. Also he was the first to play rock and roll on Armed Forces Radio and a that a bomb went off in a local G.I. bar, but he was not connected to it like in the movie.


Most of people's questions would be answered if they read the trivia section first.
