How long would Cronauer have lasted in a combat role?
Cronauer talks about how Dickerson might put him out into combat if he keeps causing problems and making waves in Vietnam, he says this to Garlick after he had been suspended from being on the air.
Airmen are not usually Infantry like The Army and Marines are, so if Cronauer had been ordered to report to field duty how long would he have lasted? Surely Airman have basic combat training, and there had to be an Air Force presence there doing actual field missions, would have loved to see Adrian be sent out to the field before the General found out and saved him.
But in retrospect i cant see Cronauer being out in the field, he wouldnt last a day, even though that is where he would be sent if he didnt shape up, he seemed to be kid of a trouble maker and rabble rouser, not combat material, he would be basic entry level as an Airman and pretty much doing grunt work and holding a machine gun, not something that Williams character looked to be suited for, but his rank would be basis so he couldnt say no at all either.