MovieChat Forums > Good Morning, Vietnam (1988) Discussion > The ending just got a hell of a lot more...

The ending just got a hell of a lot more emotional now that he's gone

I never get sentimental over celebrity deaths, but I just felt re-watching this one because it's one of my favorites, and now I'm struggling to keep the tears in because this movie just about summed up his life. And the ending? Man. When he said goodbye to Garlick and said his fly was open, oh god. Funny til the end. "Goodbye Vietnam!" indeed. RIP Robin.


I was thinking the same thing as I watched this today. Here is a man that is dealing with the tragedy around him through humor, which seems to be a common theme among many of Robin's characters. It unfortunately adds a whole new layer to a lot of his movies for me, makes them harder to watch. The innocence is gone.

In The Morning!


Not only the end seen, but it was a bit haunted by a line at the beginning. I don't recall it exactly but when he first arrives in the studio Adrian mentions either someone who hung themself or that he was thinking about hanging himself.


the end of Mrs. Doubtfire is the same for me. is George takie in this
Women,cant live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.



father's day, Is disturbing to watch He's was about to kill himself (a gun) b4 the lady called him and Billy Crystal to say that one of them might be her son's dad and that he ran away from home.

🐈 Women,cant live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.



Yeah and in the last movie to be released before Robins death, his character attempts suicide by jumping off a bridge.

In Patch Adams, Patch admits himself to a psych hospital for suicidal thoughts.

In GMV Garlick says that one of Adrians roommates is a clean freak so Adrian should comsider suicide.


r u talking about father of the year?!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.

(Bullet Tooth 504)


No. I'm talking about the Angriest Man In Brooklyn.


In what dreams may come he has to rescue his wife from limbo after she commits suicide after his death and there kids deaths! Hell even there dog died!

 Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.

(Bullet Tooth 504)


That was a good movie.

I like to imagine Robin went to the Heaven from that movie.


Oh gosh, I forgot about that line! It was when Garlick pointed out one of the other D.J.s, Marty Lee Dreiwitz.

"The man is impeccably clean. He has cleaning products flown in from Ohio ( I think it was Ohio). He's also one of your roommates, so if I were you I'd think about suicide."

I wonder if Forest Whittaker thinks about that bit of dialogue. So sad.😢


Total shame that Robin Williams just didn't want to live anymore.
