Randy had so many chances to survive
When Deke, Laverne and Rachel are swimming to the raft, Randy is the only one who witnesses a duck getting devoured by the oil slick from a far distance. By his expression, Randy knew something was up, but kept on going. As soon as he witnessed that, he should've 1] warned the others and 2] turned back around and hauled ass to shore instead of proceeding to swim to the raft. Also, when the tarp snatches Laverne, Randy uses his head and makes a swim for shore while the tarp chases after him. After making it to shore, he sits by the water and taunts the oil slick by saying "I beat you!" instead of getting his ass away from the shore and getting in the car. The ending to this segment still surprises me till this day as Randy could've easily made it out alive. Good sequel though.