MovieChat Forums > Creepshow 2 (1987) Discussion > Randy had so many chances to survive

Randy had so many chances to survive

When Deke, Laverne and Rachel are swimming to the raft, Randy is the only one who witnesses a duck getting devoured by the oil slick from a far distance. By his expression, Randy knew something was up, but kept on going. As soon as he witnessed that, he should've 1] warned the others and 2] turned back around and hauled ass to shore instead of proceeding to swim to the raft. Also, when the tarp snatches Laverne, Randy uses his head and makes a swim for shore while the tarp chases after him. After making it to shore, he sits by the water and taunts the oil slick by saying "I beat you!" instead of getting his ass away from the shore and getting in the car. The ending to this segment still surprises me till this day as Randy could've easily made it out alive. Good sequel though.


I think that maybe his hesitation about the duck being taken under since a lot of things might want to eat a duck.
But when it attacks the first girl who was stupid enough to touch it. They should have hauled ass into the water in different directions, taunting it every now and again to get it to chase after them all, until they are back in the car! It looks like it gets larger every time it feeds, so the first time would have gotten them the farthest.
I still enjoyed it though.

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Yeah, we are awesome. Thank you for reminding me of that.

'What difference you think you can make, one man in all this madness?"



This was my favorite episode out of them all. randy and the guy and girl should of booked when the first girl was getting eat. And i also have a question i dont really understand the oil slick thing. Are oil slicks real things that are alive and attack you hahaha? or did this movie just make them up?


I really like Randy and wanted him to live , fav epsiode of the film aswell.


"since a lot of things might want to eat a duck."

what like a large fish? or a *beep* alligator? because if anything in a lake is eating something as large as a duck, that might be a reason to get the hell out of the lake.

Warner Music Group Sucks!


I assume they weren't in gator country or they would know not to even try it; I guess he assumed a large fish or snapping turtle..? (do any American fish get large/aggro enough to attack a duck? I really don't know. Kinda doubt it. Might be one of those one in a million things; a big ol' catfish that decides to try it.) But not stretching the imagination TOO much. I doubt many people would actually think they were in danger.


I felt more bad for the duck then I did for Rapey Randy. Yuck. Sleep creep!!


The last part he felt that once he got on land, he was safe. He didn't expect the slick to rise up like a tidal wave and devour him. And yeah, he thought something was up but probably thought, "Nah, it's all in my mind."


A tidal wave? Okay maybe I wont watch this movie. And to think I've been wondering for years it they ever put The Raft on film. I think I'll skip this and just reread the story. Some of the other poster might want to read it at least once if they think the tidal wave is a good ending. In the book he never really had a chance and in the end he KNOWS it. Which I think is more scary than him thinking he has a chance and then being surprised.


Don't think I've ever read the short story. Might have to check it out, see what's been changed for the film.


Don't think I've ever read the short story. Might have to check it out, see what's been changed for the film.

I highly recommend it, it's alot more gruesome that the movie. I found myself feeling physically ill after reading about Deke's very excruciating and drawn out death. 

Don't put the devil in the picture, cause' the religious groups won't wanna see it.


Why would you even read these comments not having even watched the movie yet? It's like being curious about a book and going to the last page to find out how it ended, so that you can make a decision as to whether you want to read the book or not? No offense, but that's just plain idiotic. In no way shape or form would I read major spoilers to a movie I might be interested in watching. Then again, not all of us use our logic and heads to make decisions I guess ;-).


In the short story he realizes he could have made a swim for it while it was eating Deke, but he realized it far too late.



while it was eating Deke


Don't put the devil in the picture, cause' the religious groups won't wanna see it.


When Deke and Rachel got eaten too,he could have gotten away.If that was me,I throw over the least liked person and swim to shore,then high tail it out.

"Life is pleasant.Death is peaceful.It's the transition that's troublesome." - Isaac Asimov


Okay -

#1 - WHY would he swim back when he saw that thing eating the ducks? It was in the distance and he didn't know what was happening...why on earth would he think there's some flesh eating intelligent "thing" in the water?

Plus, from the view he had in the's not like he would have seen anything at that angle being so far away. Try swimming with your head out of the water and see how far you can see if something is in the water at surface level. He basically wouldn't have seen anything.

#2 - Randy would have made it even easier if he would have just bolted the second it took Laverne's face...but he watched terrified for a bit.

#3 - And yeah, the whole tsunami part is dumb. :P I liked that he didn't get away, but it sure defied the movie physics of the whole story. I liked it better when it was just this floating thing...not some monster that could leap out of the water.


Agree on all points, Fooser, except for the final one. The final blob-leap made for a perfect -- and hilarious -- conclusion. Sure, it makes one ask questions about the Blob's abilities, but better to just go with it and laugh.

I think people forget to apply real-life to logic to horror film situations. If you saw a huge mass "eat" someone, you'd probably stare in shock rather than bolt away. Plus, think of them as good friends you knew. If your best friend was being pulled through the raft, would your first instinct not be to try and help? And it's mentioned that Randy knew Rachel for at least four years. You have a different reaction when it's someone you know.

Emotional wrecks like Laverne exist, and would probably be even more unmanagable. In real life, she probably would've cried and wailed and lost her mind until she rolled into the water and got eaten then.


It's not an oil slick it's a creature not dissimilar to the Thing.


If I were him, and I made it too the beach, I wouldn't have stopped until I was miles from that lake.

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I knew when he stopped that he was a goner. They'd already shown that the blob had some reaching ability, as it had used it on all three others.

The tidal wave was a bit silly, but it's not like the movie was high art anyway :)


I agree. I would've gone to behind the car at least.

It's not an oil slick it's a creature not dissimilar to the Thing.

Actually, it's more like the Blob. The Thing is something way different from those two.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


that car looked like Jim Rockford's gold Firebird, wonder if it was.


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Too bad we didn't get to see if this blob was flat or had any body to it.
