MovieChat Forums > Cherry 2000 (1988) Discussion > My Duty to Movie World

My Duty to Movie World

I haven't seen this movie in years but even though I found the idea of a sex-bot offensive it was very interesting in a commentary about our high-tech world and how it sequesters us from real human relationships.

The movie starts out with a guy who's got this robotic partner which he thinks he loves. It gets fried at some point and he has to go through a post WWW III wasteland to get to a warehouse that would have a new one where he can put the memory disk from his Cherry into a new bot-body.

It's an interesting commentary on our society and how we are made less human by our machines but that we can regain our humanity. Any thoughts, talk among yoursevles ...


Ultimately the guy decides that the real woman (independent, intelligent, free spirited and feisty), would be much better for him than his robo-slut/robo-sex slave.

People do seek happiness by artificial means on a daily basis. Rather than treat depression with talk, excersize and diet, we pop a pill. Rather than talk to a friend who lives next door person to person, we go on chat rooms. Maybe there are more people who seek happiness from technology (kids who are entertained all day by video games, their parents who watch tv every night, etc), but ultimately people always leave technology for the pursuit of other people. For example, chat rooms that turn into clubs, online dating services, and the popularity of groups like Napster.

People like the feeling of community, and technology can be one element of this. For example, fans of a particular series feel a sense of community when they speak to other fans. In the instance of niche segments of the population (say, science fiction for example) it may be hard to find other fans of the same genre. The internet could grant such a person access to millions of people with similar interests.

In terms of sex and technology, there is no doubt in my mind that there is someone who is trying to make synthetic skin that feels more real and machines that can handle fluid transfers. But to argue that somehow easier access to sex and smut is going to lessen our capacity to live is ludicrous. Lust can never give someone the fullfillment of a loving relationship, which is exactly why a relationship with a robot, pornographic internet site, or any other aspect of technology is impossible.

The movie demonstrates this point quite effectively. Our main character is so lonely that he will cross dessert to try to find some happiness. At the end, he is given a choice between the nasty robo sex slave (who does all the stuff he wants, cooks his dinner and treats him like a king), and the real woman (who does none of these things), he chooses the one who he can love.

If anything, this movie affirms that no matter what all toys and technology we surround ourselves with, we are still only human.

awww yeah!


Yeah, I'd say you're right. People would rather write online than talk to their neighbor - what freaks - I mean that's so stinkin' - oh, wait, that's what I'm doing now, I barely know my neighbor's name. Oh well, hurray for technology!

I think many people gather on the internet for common interests - that's true for me - I find few people who are crazy about movies who I can talk to (partly just because I have a job where I spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer waiting for it to finish one task or another so I read or write on IMDB) but there are many kids who are alone except for the computer - it's a dangerous thing.

I don't think people will ever be completely independent of other people but they will think they are - they'll want love but they'll be placated by sex with a sex-bot and become a stunted human being (not completely non-human but mostly). That's the risk but whether we'd ever get there - I don't know...



How is having a machine as a sex-surrogate any different than say....

....a socially isolated mountain farmer who uses goats and sheep for the same purpose?

To say this is a new behavior and blame it on technology is pulling the sodomized wool over one's eyes...


"To say this is a new behavior and blame it on technology is pulling the sodomized wool over one's eyes..."

LOL! Great metaphor! I think your point is definitely well-taken - this issue has always exists but does technology provide new ways - after all some men wouldn't like sheep and a robot that looks human would do the trick for them. Also, consider the internet and how it's allowed people to have these fake relationships online - even cyber-sex - it's having an impact on our culture, sex without consequences for some starts by viewing any sort of porn at the push of a button online - then when they are in a real-situation they may find it difficult to stop themselves from taking immediate gratification - they may feel like whatever they want is theirs, immediately - or at least have no idea how to behave in real-life. I mean, it's a thought, anyway - I personally think there must be some cause and effect here.

What hump?


Well a sex toy is really only a sophisticated way to masturbate.
And that must be superior to a dysfunctional human relationship, which most marriages seem to become. Just read Melanie Griffith's relationship history. I suspect a reliable sex toy would be a good alternative to some partners in some relationships. Not mine of course. Ooh no. Definitely not...

I would be perfect were it not for my excessive modesty.


i would not mind a sex-bot. but i would rather have a real woman. but then, i think cherry is more real than "ginger"
