MovieChat Forums > Cherry 2000 (1988) Discussion > Remake it with Lindsay Lohan?

Remake it with Lindsay Lohan?

Who else thinks this would be a great vehicle to reignite Lindsay's sagging career?

She's easily up to Griffith's acting ability and would most likely be willing to work for coke and/or booze ensuring a modest budget

Throw in a nice nude scene (or two) and this could easily be the highlight of her career! Who's with me?

Chuck Norris Cartoon Music Video




Yeah, as Randa.


I don't know about Lindsay Lohan, but this movie could be remade a LOT better than the original. The concept is great, but this middle of this falls flat pretty quickly and gets boring real fast.


Maybe the way she used to look. She no longer seems to have the body to pull it off. You've got to have some curves.


I wish Hollywood would dispense with remaking eighties movies and instead focus on creating sequels to them and/or re-releasing the original movies in the theaters. This remake mania has not gotten Hollywood out of the red. Original movies will get Hollywood out of the red!

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Even in the event of a remake I doubt Lindsay Lohan is the best choice. There was a certain toughness in the Edith 'E.' Johnson character that Melanie Griffith was able to show but I doubt Lindsay could. Lindsay is 4 inches shorter than Melanie and I don't think she would be credible as a character in the film that was supposed to protect the male lead. Also, Lindsay is only 24 though I think she looks older. In the film, I think Johnson was supposed to be 30 or even older. I don't think a remake should (or would) be made, but if it is done today, I would suggest Milla Jovovich who has been shown to be fairly credible as an action hero.


No you have it all wrong Henry, Lohan would play Cherry and yes MJ would be perfect for the role of 'E'

Lófaszt, nehogy már. Te vagy a Blade ... Blade Runner


Right? Lindsay would make the perfect sex robot, she pretty much already is one

..or at least I think so lol


This film doesn't need a remake; it's fine the way it is.

1,000 mini-bios and I feel like I'm just getting started


Melanie Griffith Wants Her Daughter Dakota Johnson To Star In ‘Cherry 2000’ Remake


OMG I would love this!!!! she should be the robot, except in the new version it should be rated R with at least two sex scenes with her in it, and lots of frontal nudity.

I have to return some video tapes.
