what do you think of Brad Greenquist as Henderson ? I think there is something about him.I like his eyes,he knew how to make them look cold aswell.Also,was his hair dyed red for the role he had to play,or was it naturally red ? He was very good at playing a bad guy. I'd like to find out more info on him
I know.Its amazing how he only said one word.Thats the only film i've know where someone has only said one word.To me some of his expressions made him look innocent,and some expressions make him look terrifying.I think it was supposed to look like ,to other people,he didnt look like the kind of person who would kill,but yet he quietly gave the terrifying looks.I like his look in the film,with his red hair too
From what I know, Brad Greenquist's hair is naturally red. :) Henderson did have two lines total in the film, remember the one in the Ballet Theatre? Brad has also stated that this was his favorite role because he didn't have many lines and everything was all about the actual acting.
If you enjoy Brad's films you should see Pet Semetary. He does very well in all of his movies, but that one and The Bedroom Window are by far my favorites.
What was the word he said? I can't remember.. I could imagine it would be something like, "You!" when Guttenberg surprises him or something, but I'm not quite sure.. it should be added to the "quotes"-section here.
Yeah he said " you ! ",it sounded quite dramatic actually,lol,and the line he has is " the act is almost over,it would be better to wait ",when he is stood behind Sylvia in the theatre.I love the stares he does too,and the little smirk he does when his lawyer asks Terry what the object is that he is holding.I even love the way he looks when he turns round slowly,after he realizes that Sylvia is in the courtroom and that she is really the person who saw him when he tried to attack Denise,after the flashback.He is great at playing the villian though his expressions, even though he doesnt say much.When i first posted this thread,i didnt realize he was the one who said that line and was stood behing Sylvia,so i thought he only said one word.
Wow, I had completely forgot about the theater-scene! Probably because we didn't know it was him who said the line at the time..
His performance kinda reminds me of Brian Libby's performance in "Silent Rage", where he only has lines at the very beginning of the movie, and then turns into a silent maniac who rages on throughout the rest of the movie. I thought it was one of the better Chuck Norris-movies from the 1970s/1980s.
I thought Brad Greenquist was extremely creepy as Henderson; he managed to convey a strong sense of chilling menace despite the fact he barely utters a word throughout the whole picture.
"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"
I don't know if "like" is the word I'd used but I thought he did an excellent job portraying the kind of creepy sociopathic criminal that he was -- so understated that indeed it was plausible that no witnesses even recalled seeing him in the Fells Point Saloon ..... I think he utters only one line in the entire movie, when he shouts "YOU!" at the end .....